Accidental Meeting

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Sirens blared as two figures ran through the shadows of the city. They had been running all night and the police were starting to catch up. Ray and Zack had been on the run for six months after Zack broke Ray out of the mental hospital. Ray started to slow down but she kept running as the cars tires screeched on the concrete behind her. They eventually turned a corner, unaware of the no exit sign standing on the side of the road, and made it to a empty parking lot. They looked for an exit but couldn't see one. The red and blue lights lit up their bodies as they turned to face the police.

" Put your hands on your head and turn yourself in or we will shoot," One o f the police officers yelled as the news helicopter circles over head.

"I'm gonna start killing people," Zack said grabbing his new and improved titanium Scythe that was stolen from a government building experimenting with different weapons for war use.

"No that won't work, there's too many of them and the helicopter will just follow us anyway," Ray said frantically searching for an escape route.

"Then, Ray, what do we do?" Zack asks with a hint of fear in his voice.

"I- I don't know Zack, I think.... this could be it," Ray says as a dozen armed officers jump out of their cars guns pointed towards the two of them.

"Down on the ground! Now!," A man with a megaphone says as the news helicopters spotlight blinds the two criminals.

"Isaac Foster hand over Rachel Gardner peacefully or we will take her by force" They screamed.

Rachel stood their in disbelief. Six months of her life spent assaulting and killing people, living homeless with Zack and being a general menace to society and they still thought that Zack had kidnapped her. This was sexism or ageism or something but whatever it was it was pissing Rachel off. 

She turned away from Zack and set a firm gaze on the police officers in front of her. She doesn't usually show emotions but this set her over the edge.

She walked towards the police angrily as Zack protested quietly.

"Ray! What are you doing?," she ignored him and kept walking.

The police assumed Rachel was escaping from Zack and welcomed her into the barricade as the helicopter directed the spotlight at her.

"Are you ok?," the guy with the megaphone asks her as the EMT's try to drape a blanket around her. Ray ignores the question and punches megaphone guy (That is his name now) in the face drawing attention from everyone around giving Zack the opportunity to grab his scythe and get a running start.

Ray draws her gun from her pocket of her shorts and starts shooting just as Zack starts slashing at people.

Policemen are dropping left and right as the duo fight through the hoards as they have done many times before. They eventually meet in the middle  and fight back to back as the last of the police start shooting randomly, unable to aim at the experienced fugitives.

They pant heavily as the last one of the police fall. They stand, covered in blood, among the dead bodies with wide grins on their faces.

"I'll never get bored of this," Ray says as she and Zack hide from the light of the news helicopter.

"Neither will I, but those happy idiots were so easy to cut down I almost miss psycho bitch and coconut head," Zack said wiping the blood off his titanium blade. 

They find an alley way that isn't completely slewed with trash and drunk people's vomit and sit down catching their breath after the night they've had.

They sit in companionable silence until shaky footsteps approach them. Zack raises his scythe and Ray reloads her gun.

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