Unknown Heroes

497 21 18

⚠️ Trigger Warning⚠️
School Shootings/ Self Harm/ Bullying

Ray and Midoriya sat on the train, not entirely sure what to say to eachother.

They were off to Edgeshots agency in Yokohama and were ready to learn from the best.

Or at least Midoriya was excited, for Ray this was a chore.

A minor inconvenience that she had to deal with before getting her plan back on track.

She didn't need to learn about ' heroics' from some middle aged man who hated his life, she and Zack already knew what they were doing.

Which was why Ray was in a very grumpy mood as they were on the train.

Midoriya was excited but not stupid so he sensed Ray's hostility and backed off, trying to give her as much space as he could on this crowded train.

"So" Midoriya says.

"You ever been to Yokohama?" Midoriya asks trying to break the awkward silence.

Ray just gives him a look.

"Oh right, you're not from here, I forgot" he says as Ray turns her gaze back towards the window.

Midoriya was going to says something else but a ding comes from inside his pocket.

He takes out his phone and checks the message.

He gets a strange look on his face.

"Hey Ray, have you noticed anything weird about Iida lately?" Midoriya asks.

"Which ones Iida again?" Ray asks.

"The guy with glasses and engines in his legs" Midoriya explains to Ray.

"I mean I guess he hasn't said much recently but I don't talk to him much anyway so it's kind of hard to tell, why?" Ray says shrugging slightly.

 "I just got a text from Kirishima, he said that Iida hadn't been acting the same since his brother got attacked by the hero killer and he's worried that he's going to go after him" Midoriya explains showing Ray the message.

 "The Hero killer hes that one serial killer whose been murdering a bunch of heroes that he doesn't think are 'true heroes' right?" Ray asks turning to face him. 

"Yeah, he attacked Iidas brother the other day, the speed hero Ingenium, he was a great hero" Midoriya says solemnly.

 "Why do you care about Iida? He's been a dick to you and me since he found out we were quirkless, why feel bad about a guy whose caused you nothing but misery"

 "Well, because even if he isn't the nicest towards me I can't blame him since that's how our society is raised. I mean I forgave kacchan didn't I?" Midoriya says putting his phone back into his pocket.

 "Kacchan?" Ray asks confused.

 "Oh right, I'm so used to calling him that that I forgot that other people don't know who I'm talking about, kacchan is Bakugou he and I used to be very close when we were little, we used to dream about being the world's greatest heroes together and saving the world, but when he got a super powerful quirk and I didn't. People started encouraging him to hate and belittle me until eventually he became a tormentor of mine" Midoriya explains rubbing the back of his neck.

 "He was your bully? And you forgave him so easily? You even call him kacchan still" Ray says.

"Well everyone told him it was OK everyone told him that if he didn't then he was supporting a quirkless freak, and he was only four so he believed whatever the adults told him" Midoriya says, trying to defend him.

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