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(Sorry for the inactivity things got really busy really quickly, updates might be slow but at least you got a 7000 word chapter in the mean time)

The bustling building of Musutafu General Hospital was a mess of patients. There had been a villain attack a few kilometres away and the hospital was nearly at full capacity. In all of this hustle and bustle nobody noticed the five teens who were suspiciously leaving the hospital with there hands in there pockets.

Momo, Hitoshi, Shoto, Jirou and Kirishima all made there way down the steps of the hospital trying to avoid anyone's suspicious gaze.

They came to a deserted area and breathed a sigh of relief before taking there hands out of there pockets and taking out all anesthetic drugs that they stole from the heroes ward at the hospital.

"I don't know this feels kind of wrong" Kirishima said as Yaoyorozu grabbed the tracker that she had put on the nomu.

"It's for a good cause" Shinsou said, shrugging.

"Plus we're essentially going into a den of villains we need protection, plus people make anesthetic drugs all the time and hospitals have a surplus of it it's all right" Yaoyorozu explains.

"I want to save them to but I don't know, stealing isn't the manly thing to do" Kirishima said looking up and down the street in case anyone was listening. 

"Don't worry dude I do this kind of thing all the time" Shinsou said as they started walking towards the nearest train station. Everyone looked at him as he said this.

"What?" He asks.

"All the time?" Jirou asks.

"You have to do what you have to do" Shinsou says not elaborating any further making everyone arch an eyebrow at the purple haired child.

"You're very strange, you know that" Yaoyorozu said as  Shinsou grinned at her with a nod.

They got into the station and quickly bought tickets as a few people recognised the five of them from the sports festival. They wave awkwardly and smile as  people get there phones out. The five of them rush onto the train before one of there teachers notice that they left without permission.

They were mostly silent on the journey, none of them hated each other but none of them other than Yaoyorozu and Shinsou were really friends. There only connecting factor was the three people they were going to save.

"Okay so it's 5:30pm and the press conference starts at 9 so we have around 3 hours before the raid officially starts" Jirou said as she checked her phone.

There was silence for a few minutes.

"You think they're okay?" Kirishima asks as they stand on the train quietly.

"You kidding me I think Zack could be relaxed during a tsunami and Midoriya? You remember the mall stunt he pulled? He'll be fine and Ray could probably scare them to death with her childhood stories" Jirou explains as a light chuckle goes around the group.

They knew she was just saying it to lighten the mood but it did comfort them a little.

"I wonder what they're doing right now"


"Ah, ow!" Midoriya was trying to stand up from the dog pile that the villains had made on the floor. His head was pounding and his vision was swimming. He lost his balance and leaned hard against the wall.

"Jesus" Ray said trying to sit up but just deciding to lie on the ground instead. Everyone started waking up one by one and the groans of pains echoed around room.

What The Hell?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang