Angels (of Death)

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Wednesday 9:53pm (Musutafu Police Station)

Zack and Ray sit in the interrogation room opposite detective tsukauchi as he gathers his notes. Behind the glass sits principal Nezu, sipping tea alongside a battered bruised and barely conscious aizawa who says and I quote 'only weaklings stay in the hospital more than three hours'. They were curious about the mysterious teens who had come out of one of kurogiri portals at the end of the USJ.

"I don't have to explain shit to you," The bandaged man yelled at the sleep deprived detective.

"Zack, calm down," The younger girl said.

" Look, I just want to ask you a few questions so we can make sure your not with the league," Tsukauchi says as he takes a sip of coffee. 

"What the hell is the league?," The man yells.

"The league of villains. The ones who attacked the place you were dumped into," Tsukauchi says to them.


"Fine we'll answer your questions and try to figure out what the fuck is going on here," Rachel says cutting off Zack and surprising the other males in the room with her cursing.

"Okay well first off I am legally required to tell you about my quirk human lie detector, I can basically tell when you lie to me," Tsukauchi says while grabbing his notes.

"I'm sorry what?," Rachel asks.

"Huh?," Zack says confused.

" My quirk, you know my power," Tsukauchi says like he's explaining the simplest thing in the world.

"There's no such thing," Rachel says nonchalantly.

"Did you hit your head or something?," Tsukauchi asks looking genuinely concerned.

"No, because these quirks or  whatever don't exist," Rachel says.

"That's not- wait a second where are you from?," Tsukauchi said thinking they might be from another country that are in denial about quirks. (Some countries didn't except it when quirks were introduced and just pretended they didn't exist, it was only one or two countries but it did happen)

"Musutafu, Japan, now can you explain to us how we got sucked through a god damn portal," Rachel has gaining an edge to her voice that intrigued nezu.

"Weird, we checked the data base and there was  no one of your description in Musutafu, but that didn't set off my quirk, " Tsukauchi says leaning forward.

"This doesn't make any sense," Tsukauchi says talking to himself at this point.

" Wait here, I'll be back in a minute," He stands up and walks out the door leaving the two teenagers alone.


"Ha ha ha ha, this is an interesting case," Nezu says as he watches the exhausted faces of the detective and pro hero in front of him.

"This is insane they have to be lying," Aizawa says from inside his sleeping bag.

"No my quirk would have registered it as a lie, it would be easier if they gave us their names but they seem pretty protective of them for some reason," Tsukauchi says pinching the bridge of his nose.

He could feel the headache coming on.

"For a second I thought they might have been spies from the league but when they asked about league it didn't register as a lie, I'm stumped," Tsukauchi says collapsing onto the couch nezu was sitting on.

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