Malls, All Might & Other Things That Traumatize Kids

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Mina was excited.

Today was the day of the mall trip that she and Hagakure had been planning for weeks. They had been trying to get the entirety of 1A to come with them. 

They wanted the class to have a fun time before the summer camp, their class had been through a lot recently and she knew that more than a few people were still in therapy after the USJ so this would be a fun little trip.

They even got Aizawa's permission in advance. Mission mall trip was a go.

"All right everyone" Mina said clapping loudly, getting a few winces from Ray and Midoriya who were basically passed out on the couch.

"We're moving out in t-minus 30 minutes get ready people" Mina said swirling her finger around and heading up to her room to get dressed.

"That's today?" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah it's today!" Hagakure said shoving him playfully.

"How are we going to get there?" Kirishima asked.

"Train" Hagakure explains.

"You want all 20 of us to go on a train? There's no way all of us get there without getting lost" Kirishima explains.

"You mean all 19 of us" Ray pipes up from her caffeinated coma on the couch.

"18 actually, I'm not fucking going" Zack says still trying to work the remote.

"You guys aren't going? Why?" Kirishima asks, he kind of wanted to get to know them more on the trip.

"I feel like I'm fucking dying, the caffeine has gone through my heart and into my brain if I stand up I will fall back onto the floor like a puddle" Ray said staring intensely at him to further prove her point.

"Okay...?" Kirishima said feeling severly threatened.

"What about you?" He asks, looking at Zack.

"I've never been to a mall in my life and I don't plan on it" Zack said smiling slightly as he sucessfully turns the channel.

"You've never been to a mall! Did they not exist or something?" Uraraka says shocked and scandalized.

"Well, they did exist, I've been to a couple, but no one likes malls because they are constantly getting robbed" Ray explains groggily.

"Plus, we are not from this reality we have no money" Zack said as Ray touched the stack of cash she had hidden in her pockets.

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense" Uraraka says slowly.

"I'm not going either, I'm going to visit my mother today" Todoroki said looking up from his cup of tea that Momo made him and heading out the door.

"Hurry up if we are even 5 minutes late Mr Aizawa won't let us go!" Mina said poking her head out of the staircase before popping back around, makeup half on.

Everybody starts rushing around at this leaving Zack, Ray, Hitoshi and Izuku sitting in the living room.

"I'm not going either" Hitoshi said tiredly.

"Too much coffee to drink and sleep to catch up on, I'm not wasting my Saturday at the mall" Hitoshi explains.

"Fair enough, I don't want to go either but I promised Uraraka I would help her find the cheapest lifting weights and Thirteen merch" Midoriya said standing up slowly and painfully before going up to his room to get ready.

The door opens revealing a spikey haired blonde who was sweating after his morning run.

He walks in to see everyone rushing around and three tired teenagers sitting on the couch.

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