Government Secrets

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No matter how many times Hawks went through this it never got any easier. But he was especially nervous this time.

The crowds were loud and he sat in the front row with the other top 10 heroes.

It was the day of the hero billboards and he was about to be given the official spot of number one hero. He had been acting as number one ever since All Might died and Endeavour went missing but now it was going to be official.

This was also an important day for another reason.

He and the rest of the league had been working in the underground for nearly a month and he finally had all of the puzzle pieces in place. 

He was going to reveal everything.

On live tv.

During one of the most watched tv specials in the entire country.

Yeah, he was nervous.

He had been preparing for awhile but it didn't account for the pressure he felt sitting in a room full to the brim of the best Japanese heroes about to announce how the system that had been governing over them was completely shit but it was too late to back out now.

Magne and Compress were acting as bodyguards at the front of the event and were there to help out if things got ugly. Momo was there because her family was really wealthy and was willing to help if it was dire.

Keigo took a deep breath and thought about his childhood friend.

Touya always told him that he wanted to burn his father and the commission to the ground, he may never be able to burn his father but at least he was fulfilling half of his wish. Too bad Dabi was on another mission, he would've loved to see this.

He had a massive smile on his face the whole time with his reaction being broadcast to millions as they announced the lower ranking heroes one by one but as they finally finished announcing the small fry, the top 10 heroes were to be announced.

Everyone was a little shaken up this year as All Might, who had been number one for nearly 34 years had died horrifically a few months earlier. Then Endeavour, who had been the number two for just as long, disappeared without a trace leaving the top 2 spots completely empty. Not to mention Edgeshot and Best Jeanist, who had both died in the raid along with All Might leaving four free spaces at the top. This left room in the top 10 for more heroes to progress for the first time in decades.

The top 10 was notoriously hard to get into, once someone got in they usually kept there position for a good couple of years before they either died, retired or were just beaten by someone younger and better. Hawks would know, he personally knocked a sweet old samurai out of the top 10 when he was 18.

He was so nervous, his wings were shaking and Miruko who was sitting right beside him was getting pissed off because she thought he was trying to tickle her or something.

"Hey bird fuck, put the feathers down before I tear them down" Miruko said threatningly as Hawks put on his best cheeky grin before extending his wing into her face, daring her to try something. Miruko had a shit eating grin on her face as she used her strong legs to step on his foot as hard a she could.

Hawks had to hold in a little squeal as his foot throbbed red. Miruko gave a satisfied huff. Keigo was ready to wage war on his best friend when the host began to announce the new rankings.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, are you ready to find out Japan's Top. 10. Heroes!!!" He yelled out to the applause of the audience.

"Well we have  very special rankings today considering the tragedy that has befallen four of our top 10 heroes earlier in the year" There was a moment of silence in the crowd in solidarity of them.

What The Hell?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang