Foundational Heroics

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"It's time for foundational heroics"

The class cheered as they got up and grabbed there cases from where they extended from the wall.

Zack and Ray lagged behind, not sure what to do.

Aizawa watched as his students made there way out of the class. He noticed Problem child number 21 and 22 standing in the middle of the classroom clearly confused.

He gestured towards the two cases on his desk with 21 and 22 written in white lettering on the side.

Aizawa unzipped his iconic sleeping bag and made his way out the door.

Ray and Zack grabbed their cases and made their way to the changing rooms.


When Ray walked into the changing room all gossip ceased.

It was eerily silent as she made her way to the far corner of the dressing room as girls gave suspicious glances.

She opened her case to see her new hero costume and smiled. She didn't know how that rat had processed her request that quickly but she was grateful.

As Ray started getting dressed girls started whispering around her clearly having given up on getting dressed at this point.

"Can you all just lay off her!" Uraraka yells fed up with how her classmates where acting.

"Yeah she didn't do anything wrong" Yaoyorozu said, walking up to Rachel and putting a hand on her shoulder unintentionally making her flinch.

"Please, she doesn't even have a quirk!" Mina sneered, glaring at Rachel who was barely even listening to the confrontation behind her.

"Could still beat your ass" Rachel said a little louder than she probably should have.

"Wow, arrogant too, you won't even last to the end of the day," Jirou said glaring at Rachel who had just finished getting dressed.

Uraraka, Yaoyorozu and Asui got ready to defend her again but Rachel just stood up, walked out into the hallway and jumped out the nearest window.

All of the girls rushed to the window to see Ray completely fine 3 storeys down giving them a condescending wink.

The girls just stood there shocked.

They had to stop underestimating these new kids.


Meanwhile in the boys changing room things were going very similarly


Except for the fact that Zack is a lot more aggressive than Ray.


And the fact that Bakugou was there.

Zack had barely been there 5 seconds when it went silent. The rest of the boys kept sending quick glances to him but he did the responsible thing and ignored them and made his way to the back of the room.

He wasn't in the mood to listen to these fuckwits but he also wasn't allowed to murder them because stupid Ray, had a stupid plan that he promised to fucking follow.

Deep breaths. It will all be worth it. And on the plus side he got to beat the shit out of these teenagers.

He already felt a ton better.

He realized he should probably get dressed so he opened up his new hero suit and grinned wildly.
He loved that rat.

"What are you grinning about" Sero said coldly.

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