Days to Remember

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Blood was splattered all over his hands

A kitchen knife was still firmly stuck into the dead body before him.

He sat in the darkness staring at his hands

A smile spread across his face

A manic laugh escaped his mouth

He couldn't control it any longer he erupted into malicious laughter.

He went to grab the rusty knife out of the body but just as he grabbed the handle he saw the face of the man he had just killed.

When he had killed him it had been nothing but a blur. Meaningless in the wake of things. Now he saw the blank blue eyes and thin metal rimmed glasses, the thinly wrinkled skin and the short silvery hair.

The more he looked at him the more familiar that faced seemed.

Then it hit him.

The blind old man.

The one who helped him when he had nowhere to go.

He suddenly fell to his knees.

Tears started streaming down his face

No, no

What had he done!?


Zack woke up in a cold sweat.

He ran his hands through his hair trying to calm himself down

He suddenly realized he didn't know where he was. He leapt to his feet and reached instinctively for his scythe. He grabbed at air and his head whipped around in surprise.

He was about to start panicking when he remembered.

"Another dimension, right" he said falling back onto the bed tiredly.

He lifted his head slightly to to check the clock on his bedside table.

5:47 am

Zack was so used to sleeping through the day and working during the night that his sleep schedule was kinda fucked.

He closed his eyes for a few seconds, he then forced himself to get up and start his average morning routine.

It was weirdly similar to his routine back at the abandoned church, basement, murder house? (I really need to figure out a shorter way to say that)

He would get up got to the toilet, reapply his bandages and go to sleep for another 5 minutes then get up and go on with his day.

The main difference between now and back at B1 (Good enough) is that he was actually really excited for the rest of the day.

Because sure he loved murder but he didn't get victims everyday. Gray distributed the Cockroaches between the five of them or six if you counted Ray I guess. But anyway now he had a new start where he could do whatever without fear of the police (Not that he feared the police much but you know what I mean) he also got to fight people who had these quirk things that sounded amazing, that seemed like fun.

And the best part he got to do it with Ray. She made going through the tough days lots of fun. He finally had someone to laugh with to talk with and most importantly to kill with.

And also he got to go to school because no matter how much he protested when Ray mentioned it he really did need to learn the alphabet its beginning to become a problem.

Anyway back to the morning routine I got a little off track there.

Zack was applying some new bandages since the old ones were getting kind of bloody when he noticed something. His burn scares were actually kind of faded they weren't the angry red he remembered them to be.

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