Truth or Dare

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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️ Graphic Depictions of Violence

Detective Tsukihuachi lay face down in his mountain of paper work internally screaming.

Aizawa came in with a cup of coffee in hand.

"Long night I assume" he says as Tsukihuachi slowly lifts his head up off his desk.

"You have no idea" Tsukihuachi says as he grabs his own coffee cup and goes to take a sip before realising its empty.

Tsukihuachi sighs and looks longingly at Aizawa who takes a long swig of his own coffee.

"What happened?" Aizawa asks.

"Got some new serial killers roaming around the city, in the one night they've been active they've managed to kill 11 civilians." Tsukihuachi explained as he showed Aizawa the new file that had just been created for these criminals.

There was a depressingly small amount of information on it.

"They? There's multiple?" Aizawa asks raising an eyebrow.

If this becomes a criminal organisation this could be really bad for him and his sleep schedule.

"There is at least two as we've seen from some security footage but there could be more though I doubt it" Tsukihuachi explains.

"Any signs of quirk usage?" Aizawa questions as he sits down on a couch that sits in the corner of Tsukihuachis office.

"That's what makes this harder, no, if we knew what kind of quirk these people had maybe we could narrow down the search but they only use weapons to kill" Tsukihuachi says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Maybe the weapons are linked to their quirks?" Aizawa says confidently.

"It's possible but we don't really know" Tsukihuachi says.

"You said there was security footage, have you analyzed it yet?" Aizawa suggests.

"There isn't much, these criminals are smart they did all of their killings in alleyways and made sure that there wasn't any cameras around, we only caught a glimpse of them as they were walking away from the crime scene but they had hoods on, one of them seemed to be carrying a giant scythe and the others weapon of choice seemed to be an old, rusty knife" Tsukihuachi says as he pulls up the image on his computer and shows Aizawa.

"Ah, so this is one of those cases" Aizawa says as Tsukihuachi let's his head fall onto the table once again. "You don't see many criminals using those kinds of weapons these days, can I see a picture of the scene maybe I can help" Aizawa says feeling sorry for his tired friend. "Be my guest" Tsukihuachi says as he pushes the files towards Aizawa not even bothering to lift his head off the desk.

Aizawa looks at the photos in the file and he has too admit in his 10 years of being a pro hero he hadn't scene a murder scene as brutal as this.

"God damn" Aizawa whispers to himself.

There was blood everywhere, all over the walls, the floor, the victims, it was a blood bath.

Most of their organs had been carved out and were scattered across the various alleyways and the rest of them were missing various body parts, one of the men was missing all of his limbs and had probably bled to death while a 50 year old crocodile quirked man seemed to have had his hands, feet and tail cut off ad well as a sizeable cut in his stomach.

They seemed like they had very quick yet brutal deaths.

Aizawa never liked looking at dead bodies but these ones were horrific, his eyes couldn't help but be drawn towards a young couple, Hiroshi Miyagi and Chihai Ikari, who had been on a date before meeting an unfortunate end a few hours prior.

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