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"Come on Ray, you're not scared are you?" Zack asks Ray as he stands on the windowsill of the Psychiatric hospital room.

Tears well up in Ray's eyes.

"I thought you got the death sentence?" Ray asks looking at broken glass scattered around the room.

 "Please, you think that would kill me? I thought you knew me better than that" Zack said as police sirens could be heard in the distance.

 "You coming or not?" Zack asked.

 Ray ran over to him completely ignoring the glass cutting up the bottom of her feet. 

She took his hand and they jumped backwards being bathed in the red and blue lights that surrounded them. 

They landed on the ground with minimal injuries and ran as fast as they could towards a large group of warehouses. 

Zack wasn't exactly sure why he did this, she was just some thirteen your old girl he had met only two months ago. 

The only reason they'd even worked together was to get out of the building and they'd done that so, why did he come back? Zack didn't have the time to contemplate this though as the police chased the two of them. 

Zack was trying to pick up the pace but Ray being as frail and small as she was, was having a hard time keeping up with him. 

In a moment of desperation he picked her up and threw her on his back.

Ray was startled to say the least but she couldn't blame him.

They ran through maze of buildings as the sirens and flashing lights disappeared behind them.

Zack didn't stop though, he kept running not really sure what to do or where to go.

As Ray held onto him she couldn't help but notice how much of a wreck he was. One month in prison does that too you.

He was wearing a battered white t-shirt and his old jeans. His bandages were in tatters, you could see glimpses of his scars through the fabric and his hair looked like he had just woken up with the worst bed hair imaginable.

Ray felt kind of bad for him but then again she probably didn't look much better.

Because of the fact that during their run through the underground buildings they didn't eat or sleep for like a two weeks coupled with the various injuries, Ray wasn't in the best health when she entered the Psychiatric hospital. Mentally or physically.

She had developed an eating disorder and her already small frame had gotten smaller she was basically a skeleton at that point as her bones were clearly visible on every part of her body.

Ray was basically swimming in the night gown she was wearing. She could hardly move or do anything anymore so she's kind of glad that Zack decided to put his own wellbeing aside and help her.

Zack started to slow down as they weaved in and out of alleyways.

He was panting heavily, what was he going to do?

Shit. He'd lost his touch.

He used to be the master of running away from cops and hiding in the confines of the city but after three or four years underground he'd lost his edge.

He looks around frantically looking for something, anything that could help them.

"Zack" Ray says quietly.

"In there" Ray says pointing towards an old warehouse that looked like It had been burned down.

If you looked hard enough you could just see the window cracked open.

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