Fight or Flight (Part two)

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The teams stood on opposite sides of the arena waiting in a tense silence as Midnight counted down.

Zack and Ray looked especially intense.

This was it.

The deciding round.

In the end it didn't really matter who won.

The prize was trivial at best and neither really knew what they would do with it anyway.

But they had built this up so much in their imagination that they didn't just want to win they NEEDED to win.

So they stood there.

Just watching eachother.

Trying to make sure the other didn't make any sudden moves.

It was stupid really but after all they had been through neither of them really knew how to handle emotions or relationships so small competitions here and there was really what defined their friendship.

It's how they showed affection.

So as they stood there watching eachother they were determined to beat the other into the ground.

They both grinned.

"Go!" Midnight shouted.

The reaction was immediate.

Another giant blue forcefield went up around Team 1 again.

Kirishima charges towards the force field recognizing it from last round.

"Wait! Kirishima" Ray called out.

But it was too late, he ran straight into the force field but instead if running right through it like he expected his body froze as dozens of volts of electricity e Flowed through him.

He fell over, unconscious.

"That's got to hurt" Kurioro says to Tokoyami who nods in agreement.

"OK going good so far just make sure we stick to the plan guys" Kurioro says to everyone.

Zack wasn't listening.

He just stared at Ray who just gave him a smug look.

What the hell? Her teammate was the one who just got electrified why was she smiling!?

Zack stood there for about 10 more seconds just staring at her smug ass face then he snapped.

"You know what? Fuck it" Zack says as he runs through the force field.

"What the fuck Zack? This isn't part if the plan!" Kurioro, the only one really serious about this, yells at him.

"If he's going then so am I" Tokage yells as she charges beside Zack.

"Wait!" Kuroiro yells to no avail.

Kuroiro face palms.

"Why do I bother" Kurioro asks himself.

Zack extends his Bo staff and sprints towards Ray while Tokage runs towards Tsunotori.

"You dumbass" Ray whispers as Zack comes towards her.

"So predictable"

Ibara let's loose all of her vines effectively protecting her teammates and capturing Tokage and Zack. 

Zack struggles against the thorns that were binding him.

 "Really thought it would be harder than this but you know whatever" Ray said before giving the nod to Ibara who throws the two helpless members of Team 1 out of bounds. 

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