Morals of Murder

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Zack watches helplessly as the pro hero and the Nomu dook it out right in front of him.

He watches as blows are traded between the two.

The bystanders around him rush around in a panic while the hero desperately tries to get them to leave.

He stares at the gaping hole in the side of the train and looks out at the burning city.

What's he going to do?

He has to get to Ray somehow because she'll be in Hosu as well.

The hero eventually manages to push the Nomu back out the hole and let's it fall to its death.

Zack ignores all the instincts in his head telling him that this is a bad idea and takes a running leap out the side of the train.

He can hear the yells of protest coming from behind him but he doesn't care.

He lands on the ruins of the road two storeys down.

"Fuck!" He yells grabbing his shoulder.

He stands up trying to figure out where the train station is.

He looks around at the carnage in the city.

There are civilians screaming and running in fear as Nomu attack them, buildings are being destroyed by the giant beasts and pro heroes are rushing around trying to save everyone and kill the Nomu. 

It is an absolute shit show. 

Zack starts running in a random direction avoiding the flying pieces of rubble getting hurled everywhere as the pros fail miserably at keeping the Nomu in check. 

He starts coughing loudly as the smoke creeps it's way into his lungs. 

Zack tries not to look at the fire, hoping that if he ignores it that it will go away, this is not the time or place for a panic attack. 

As he ran around a corner he heard a scream just behind him.

 "WATCH OUT!" Zack turned around just in time to see a giant winged Nomu body slam him into the wall behind him. 

Zack cries out in pain as his scars start to burn.

 The Nomu has its claws around his neck and goes in for the kill. Zack wriggle out of his grip just in time as the Nomus head goes through the wall. 

Zack climbs onto the Nomus back and grabs his backpack that he has been carrying and rummaged through it as the bird struggles to get its head free. He ignores his villain outfit that is hiding at the bottom of the bag and grabs his scythe (which is retractable) just as the Nomu gets its head unstuck.

 Zack throws the bag onto his back as pro heroes finally make it onto the scene.

 "What are you doing kid!? Get down from there" Manual yelled as he used his water manipulation quirk to try and get Zack to safety.

 Zack slashes at the water and stays on the Nomu which starts bucking like a bull. 

Zack let's out a yelp as he holds on. The Nomu unfolds it's wings and starts heading up on the air. 

Zack regains his balance and stands up on the creature trying to stay upright as he does so. 

Zack is now soaring dozens of meters in the air on the back of the giant ass Nomu as pro heroes yell at him from below.

 Zack starts cutting the Nomus back as it screams in pain. 

"LETS GO YOU FUCKING BIRD BRAIN!" Zack yells as he stabs its eyes out and attacks its brain repeatedly. It screeches in pain loud enough that the surrounding buildings start to shake. 

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