First Impressions

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Aizawa drove silently through the streets of Musutafu with two edgy teenagers in the back seat. They were heading to UA's new dormitories to meet their new classmates (I know they don't get dorms until after the Kamino ward incident but it makes the plot simpler if they live in the dorms)

Aizawa would never admit this but Rachel and Zack kind of scare him. Ray was smart, like Nezu level smart which is scary by itself but then you couple it with the blank stare and emotionless face and you get a serial killer.

Ok, he was being dramatic, not a serial killer but someone he needed to be wary of.

Then there was Zack. The guy didn't talk much preferring to let Rachel do most of the talking but when he did talk he was loud abrasive not to mention his violent behavior and titanium scythe that just screamed emotional issues.

I mean Aizawa knew they were from another reality but come on it can't be that different.

I mean maybe he was being dramatic and these were just normal teenagers, with behavior screaming trauma, and training in combat, as well as being very defensive of each other for some reason......

Huh, Aizawa had a lot of work to do

Why did Nezu have to stick these two on him!?


Anyway, back to the car.

Zack and Ray were being uncharacteristically quiet. Neither of them could stop thinking about their last time in a car. Zack was thinking about how he met that old man when he was 9.

The car was cramped, uncomfortable and smelled like crap not to mention bloody but I guess that's what happens when you murder someone inside a car.

But Zack didn't care.

Even after the long night he'd had Zack had the best sleep he'd had in years.

He was finally free

No more beatings

No more burying dead bodies

No more spending days locked in the basement

He had unlimited possibilities

He could even be happy

And that's when he turned up.

Zack woke up as he heard a light rapping on the window.

He drowsily looked up to see an old man staring down at him. Zack lowered the window while subtly reaching for his trusty kitchen knife that still had blood on it from his killing spree the night before.

Zack pulls his knife out as the old man opens his mouth to speak pinning the sharp object to his throat.

The old man doesn't even flinch.

"HI, young man," he said weirdly cheerful for someone being held a knife point.

"Nice to meet you"


Zack hasn't been in a car since. Wow he hasn't thought about him in years Zack thinks as he stares out the window watching the Grey clouds roll in.

He spares a glance to Ray who is giving a weirdly intense glare to a small smudge on the window.


Ray hated cars.

Has ever since she was seven.

It was when her parents first started fighting they would constantly be at each other's throats arguing about the smallest of issues.

One day they were going to Ray's grandmas house for Christmas. As a naive seven year old Ray had been very excited for this trip. She hadn't noticed the silent glares that her parents sent each other or the threatening gestures they made when Ray wasn't looking.

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