To Catch a Traitor

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The forest was on fire and nobody knew what to do. This blue fire wasn't anything a student could do and it wasn't natural because forest fires weren't blue, so that left one  very annoying option.

"We're under attack by villains" Ray said exasperated. 

Damn it! She should've listened to Hawks and dipped the second she got his text.

"What's going on here!" Honenuki yelled as he came out of the bushes and started backing into the two 1A student's.

"I literally just said dumbass" Ray snapped.

"Everyone! This is Mandalay. The camp is being attacked by villains, all students make their way to cabin and using your quirks is permitted for self defence" Mandalay's voice came into their heads, scaring them a little

"Told you" Ray said matter-of-factly.

"Ahh!" Honenuki screamed.

"What!?" Ray asked, his scream startles her.

"What's that smoke?" Honenuki said, bending over to get a closer looks at it. Ray's eyes went wide and she grabbed Honenuki's arm and yanked him away.

"That's poisonous smoke" Ray said, remembering a similar smoke that she had to deal with 2 years prior.

"Not again, this like the third  time" Midoriya complains. Honenuki looks horrified.

"We're getting attacked by villains?" he asked in a shaky voice. Ray just pats his back awkwardly.

"You get used to it" Ray said before  looking around for a place to go that won't kill them.

They start running away from the oncoming deadly smoke. As they make there way around they meet up with Yaoyorozu, Awase and Bakugou.

"We're being attacked by villains!" Honenuki told the three of them, panting slightly.

"No shit sherlock" Bakugou growled, wearing a gas mask on his face.

"Here, take these, I've been handing them out to people" Yaoyorozu said, handing them all a gas mask.

Everyone puts one  on as the gas slowly closes in.

"What are we going to do!" Awase asks, panicking. To be fair there was fire on their left side, poisonous gas on their right and a suspicious giggling a few metres in front of them. I would be freaking out too.

"We need to stop the source of the smoke, if it continues to spread, everyone, including the pro heroes will fall asleep" Ray explains.

"Yeah, that would be bad" Midoriya says.

"Me, Bakugou, Midoriya and Honenuki will go and investigate, the rest of you, find our classmates and bring them all to the cabin, we'll meet you there" Ray says as Yaoyorozu and Awase nod before running away.

"Wait, why do I have to come?!" Honenuki asks pleadingly.

"Because you have a useful quirk now march" Ray said yanking him by the collar of his shirt as he mourns his short life.


The four of them run into the thick pink smoke and hope that they didn't piss off Yaoyorozu at any point. The forest becomes infinitely harder to navigate as their vision is filled with smoke. The further east they go the thicker the smoke becomes as the gas masks start having trouble filtering the toxins.

You could hear coughing as the smoke became unbearably thick.

"Well, well, well, looks like the hero brats aren't as scared as I thought" A voice said through the smoke. Everyone spun around, trying to find the source of the noise.

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