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Hope Ashford

"Are you on your way yet?" April asks me. I wrap the towel around my body as I get out of the bathroom.

"Yeah it's just the traffic," I lie. I forgot to set my alarm but luckily I woke up because my brain is used to getting up early. I woke up a bit later than I should've but whatever.

"Okay, we're all waiting for you," April says before hanging up. I set my phone down as I start to brush my hair. April and I had a conversation about me getting along with Newman. I don't intend to build a friendship but I'll let him do his job, it's whatever now. I know that my parents aren't planning on firing him any time soon.

I finally finished getting ready after ten minutes. I kind of look like shit because I hurried but I can't do anything about it, I'm already late and if I take my sweet time I'll be even more late and I already told April I was on my way.

I rush downstairs and see Nina and Newman laughing. Oh? Is that why he doesn't wanna get fired? Whatever, that's his business. I roll my eyes and walk up to Newman.

"We're going out, I have somewhere to be and I don't want to be later than I already am so let's go," I say as I start walking towards the front door. I see Jeremy standing outside.

"Jeremy we're going out," I say to him. Jeremy nods as he rushes over to the car.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to leave without me," Newman states.

"I could've, you seemed pretty distracted with Nina over there," I reply while I fiddle with my hoodie strings. "Is that the reason why you wanna keep this job?" I ask as I turn my face to look at him.

"Okay first of all, Nina and I are just friends," Newman says. I raise my eyebrows and nod clearly not believing him. "Second, I want to keep the job because I have a younger sister to look out for, relationships are a no for me," Newman states.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I ask as I get inside the car, Newman follows me inside.

"Your my client, not my friend so why would I tell you?" Newman asks me. I look away from him. He has me curious now. Is it because he's been heartbroken before, or because he has commitment issues like me? Whatever, I'm not gonna beg him to tell me why relationships are a no for him.

"Put your seatbelt on," Newman orders.

"I was going to," I say as I put my seatbelt on and roll my eyes. And he says bodyguards aren't like babysitters. Right. I didn't talk to Newman for the rest of the car ride, even though I really wanted to know why he doesn't do relationships. Not because I care, I'm just a curious person.

I can't imagine him being in love. He seems all serious and I don't know. Maybe he just has commitments issues just like me. Yeah that's got to be it. Well at least him and I have one thing in common.

"I'm sorry I'm late," I say as I hug April.

"It's okay," April says as we pull away but I immediately get hugged tightly again by Caleb; April's twin brother. Let me explain real quick, Caleb has had the biggest crush on me since forever. Of course he doesn't know that I know but April told me.

"Hey Caleb," I say as I hug him back awkwardly. We pull away and I see Jayla walk up to Newman. Oh boy.

"Okay I need to tell you something," April says. I nod but don't take my eyes off of Newman and Jayla. They're having small talk. Jayla's definitely going to try to flirt with him. Too bad she's wasting her time since he doesn't do relationships. "Hope?" April snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Were you listening?" April asks. No. I feel bad now. I know she'll ask me what she was talking about if I lie.
I shook my head no. "Hope," she says sternly.

"I'm sorry I zoned out," I apologize. I look over April's shoulder to see Jayla playing with Newman's tie. I cringe and look back at April.

"Sarah's swimming competition is in three months," April states. "Are you gonna be there?" April asks me.

"I don't know, the whole water thing," I say. "You know?" I ask.

"Yeah I get it, but you won't be anywhere near the pool anyway, or at least come to her practice one day," April suggests. "She's amazing at swimming."

"Yeah I bet she is but I still have really bad ptsd from you know what," I state.

"I know and I get it," April replies. "But like I said you won't be anywhere near the pool, you'll sit on a chair far from the pool just watching her," April says. I do want to support Sarah. Especially because she's always been a really good friend to me.

"I'll show up to her practice that's two weeks from now I promise," I say to April. She smiles at my response. I'm still very traumatized from what happened eight years ago but I guess going to Sarah's practice won't hurt, I'll be far from the pool. I should be okay.

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