~Chapter 17~

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Grant's POV:

We get back downstairs and I put the kettle back on for another cup of tea. I don't ask Ellie if she wants one because now I know it will cause her some sensitivity. Instead, I ask her what she wants to do today.

"E, as I'm off work today, do you want to do anything?"

"Not going to your office would be a good thing."

"Haha, I don't make you go that often! Anything else?"

"You definitely do! It's practically my second home! Umm..doing something with my brother instead of my dentist?!"

"E, I'm really not that bad, am I?!"

"I guess not all of the time..."

"Do you want to go to the cinema or something?"

"Yeah, what's on?"

"I don't know, let's have a look.."

We have a look to see what's on at the cinema, we book our tickets for 1:00pm. The film is 1 hour 30mins long. I haven't told Ellie yet, but I asked my friend if he could fit Ellie in at any point to have a physical exam at the doctors. Andrew, my friend, said he could fit her in today at 4:00pm. I do feel really bad not telling Ellie, but I know she will just get really scared and annoyed. It's probably not the right way to go about it, especially because she is already nervous about Monday, but I know it's the only way to get her to go to the doctors. I know there isn't anything for her to be worried about, but she will just panic and think of the worst possible scenarios.

Ellie and I just bumble around the house until 12:45pm. I shout from the bottom of the stairs to tell Ellie to make sure she is ready to leave in the next 5 minutes. The cinema isn't very far away from where we live, so we don't have to leave just yet.

"Ellie, are you ready or will be ready in the next 5 minutes?"

"Yeah, I'm ready now!" Ellie shouts back down, from her bedroom.


Ellie comes down the stairs and we both put our shoes on. I'm not going to tell her about her appointment with Andrew until after the film, because I don't want her worrying about it throughout it. I want her to just enjoy the film because we don't get to do things like this very often.


Ellie's POV:

The film has just finished, so we get up to leave and go back home. We get to the car park and Grant unlocks the car so we can get in. Just as I'm putting my seatbelt on, Grant says to me, "E, you're going to hate me for saying this, but..." he pauses, "I made you an appointment with Andrew for today...it's in an hour and half..."


I can't believe he has kept this from me and is only telling me now. He knows I hate going to the doctors or the dentist and now he's just making appointments behind my back?!

"Hey, E, calm down. There's nothing to be scared of. It's only Andrew, you know him. I'll be there with you as well."

"Grant, you know I hate going!!! I'm not going in there."

"E, be reasonable. There's nothing wrong with you, right? You don't feel ill or anything?"

"No..." I say practically whispering.

"So, there's nothing to be worried about. You're absolutely fine. It'll be so quick and we will be out of there within the hour if you let him do everything he has to do."

"I still don't want to go there."

"E, please, just do it for me? It means you won't have to go there for another year."

"Ugh.. I really don't want him to do anything to me."

"You can trust him, E. He's really careful and gentle, I promise."


I don't want to go there and I'm going to do everything I can to not go in there, but I know I'm not getting anywhere with this so I guess I'll just wait until we get to Andrew's office.

*TIME SKIP TO 3:55pm*

Grant's POV:

It's time for us to go into Andrew's office now, we're a bit early but I'm fairly sure it's going to take a lot to get Ellie into the office. I get out of the car and walk around to Ellie's side, knowing that she isn't just going to get out.

I open the door on her side, "C'mon, E, out you get."


I kneel down by the side of the car, "Ellie, you have to at least just go into the waiting area, until Andrew comes out and then he can talk to you."

"I'm not going in there, Grant. It's not happening."

"E, look at me, you have nothing to worry about, I promise you. If you're not feeling ill, then you will be just fine, it's just like a small checkup."


"Why, E? Why don't you want to go in?"

"He'll find something wrong with me, he'll give me injections, I hate it in there."

"Why do you think he will find something wrong with you? Are you feeling ill and you're not telling me? The only way to overcome your fear is to go in there and prove to yourself that it's okay."

"People like you and Andrew always find something wrong. I'm not ill, so why do I have to go in there?"

"We only find something wrong if there is something wrong, we don't just do it to make you feel bad or scared. You have to go in there because you have to have a physical exam each year. You haven't had one since I started looking after you. That's 2 years."

I'm trying my hardest to get Ellie to come and see Andrew, but she's not having any of it. I think I might just have to text Andrew and tell him that we are here but Ellie isn't getting out of the car.

(G - Grant, A - Andrew)
G - Hey, mate. We are here, but Ellie is refusing to get out of the car.

A - Hiya. Oh okay, is she scared?

G - Yeah, she hates anything in the medical field.

A - Should I come out to try and get Ellie to come in to see me?

G - I think that may help. Just so you know, she's really stubborn.

I see Andrew walking across the car park to get to us. I smile at him and then get out of the way so he can stand by the door of the car.

Ellie's POV:

I see Andrew starting to walk over to the car, why does Grant have to be like this and tell him that I'm not coming in!!

"Grant, what the hell! Why did you get him to come out here!" I say, really annoyed.

"Because you're not getting out of the car, Ellie."

"I'm here to help you get out of the car and come to see me for your appointment. I just want to check that you're all healthy, that's all, lovely," Andrew says, crouching down by the side of the car, just like Grant did.

"I'm not going in there. You can try all you like, but it's never going to happen."

"Ellie, I'm not going to do anything to scare you. I just want to help you, lovely."

I really just feel like giving up but this is literally my worst fear, and I'm not ready to face it yet...

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