January 19, 1504: 11 PM

118 4 0

Reaching for Pilly, I stretched my right arm over to the left side of the bed. When I couldn't feel him, I opened my eyes to look for my white bear. A dark wall stared back at me. I gasped as I sat up, scared, my loose blankets falling easily off of me. I looked around the room. Everyone was asleep in their beds. I couldn't hear a noise except for Jo snoring. She always snores. I had almost forgotten that I was not at home. 

After the sun went down and we ate all our dinner, we played marbles.  To play, someone needs to draw a circle and put all the marbles inside. One person shoots a marble at this group of marbles and tries to see how many can make it outside the circle. Then the person can keep the marbles that make it to the outside. Baby won the game. However, Buffalo said that she was cheating because she transformed her hand into a slingshot to shoot the marbles. I didn't care. I was just glad I had won more marbles than Jo. 

After playing marbles, Baby showed us more of what she could do with her power. She ate the Arms-Arms fruit and could grow any weapons on her body. She could even turn herself into a weapon! Buffalo talked about his power too but he couldn't show it to us because we were indoors. I asked Law if he had any devil fruit powers but he yelled at me. Baby told me that he was new to the pirate group and had only been there for a couple of weeks and so he didn't really trust anyone yet. She also said that he didn't play a whole lot with them and liked to sit and read. 

I understood. Sometimes when I don't want to be bothered, I would hide in my closet and fit myself in with my clothes. Last month, during St. Nick's day, Jamie got a toy dinosaur collection. Since Jamie was too little to play with those dinosaurs, I took them and played with them myself. I would have given them back when he was old enough. I tried playing with them with Jo and I's dolls but she didn't want to play with them and so I would hide and play with them myself in the closet. When that happened, Luffy noticed that I was hiding and he would hide too in the closet. Then, as soon as I started playing, he jumped out and scared me. I didn't like it when he used the dinosaurs. He always had them fighting each other. I always had them in families and everyone as friends. Since Luffy didn't stop bothering me, I decided to teach him how to play nice with the dinosaurs. Soon, they were all friends. Maybe Law needed someone to teach him how to play nice!

Throughout the whole afternoon and nighttime, I couldn't stop thinking about my family. It was really dark out now and I'm sure my mom was wondering where we were. I felt scared. None of the other kids here had parents, and I didn't want to live without mine. I wished I had Pilly. He could comfort me. But I know I need more than Pilly, I need my mom. Even though she gets mad at us for waking her up in the middle of the night, if we asked, she would always let us sleep with her. It made me feel comfortable. Now I didn't know how far away we were from her. 

The window stood next to where my bed was. There was a curtain over it and so I reached with my left hand to pull it away. The moon wasn't shining tonight and so all I could see was darkness. I put my ear to the cold window and I could hear the waves crashing. That was my favorite sound. Besides that, I heard a couple of people talking and laughing. Closing my eyes, I thought I heard a baby crying. Baby mentioned that there was a baby on board named Dellinger.  l like babies. I took my ear off the window to pull my blankets off of me to hear better and I remembered that I wasn't sleeping in my pajamas. 

Since we were all taken in our clothes, we had to sleep in what we were wearing. Maddy and I still had on our school clothes while Jo had on pink pants and a shirt. They used to be mine. My blue shirt and khaki pants were wrinkly now. I put my ear back on the window. Maybe I could get new clothes when we arrived on the new island tomorrow! They gave us food, wouldn't they also give us new clothes?

When my ear became too cold, I took it off of the window. I giggled when I put my hand to my ear, making it cold. I heard someone crying close by. I stood very still. It sounded like someone in this room. I looked around quietly. Jo was still snoring so it wasn't her. Maddy? I closed the curtain softly and put my blankets back on, being careful not to make a sound. Still, whoever it was, their cry sounded soft, like how I sometimes cry at night. Maybe I wasn't alone in missing my family. 

Even though we begged for them to tell us, the other pirate kids wouldn't let us know why they decided to take us. Were they going to make us pirates? Would we have to steal stuff and fight with swords? The swords part sounded cool. The stealing stuff did not. My mom always told us it was a bad thing to steal, so I have never done it.  They weren't going to kill us were they? I shivered at the thought. I had heard of stories from kids at school who say that some pirates take kids away, and then eat them. Was that why they gave us food and made us stay here with the other kids? They did let us use the bathroom outside of the room to go potty, but Baby had to go with us to make sure we didn't escape.

Before going to sleep, I counted the beds. In total, there were six. Three to one side and three to the other. I had the furthest bed on one side, then Baby slept in one, then Law on the furthest. In front of me slept Maddy, then Jo, and Buffalo slept on the biggest bed of all. 

Baby and Buffalo told us how many people were a part of the pirate crew. Usually, they all don't go on missions together, but since this mission required kidnapping kids, they brought all of the pirate kids to make us feel comfortable. It seemed that they were all really strong. I thought about what happened when everyone fell asleep, back on the coast of Saxet island. The sticky guy, or Trebol as the other kids called him, told me I had the, well, what was it called again? I rubbed my head. Colors of the King? What was that? My favorite color was pink. So everyone whose favorite color is pink has that power? Do kings normally like pink? But I wasn't the only one who had it. Apparently, the captain of the ship, or the "young master" as the other kids called him, had that power. Did he like pink? I hope so. I don't know any boy who liked pink so that would be cool if he did. I wonder when I would get to meet him. Buffalo told us how he was super strong. Maybe he could help me with my power. I could take out bad guys with that. I could help them and be a pirate...

No. I shook my head. I still need to go home. My mom needs me. And she would never let me be a pirate! They are mean! I remember how Amos hurt Jo. I noticed she had a bump on her head and a bruised nose right before we went to bed. The kids didn't hurt us. Maybe only the kids are nice?

I still heard crying. I wanted to go over and hug them and tell them that they'll be ok. Even if I was scared of not knowing the future, I can try my best and I will be ok. If I'm ok, they'll be ok! And in our situation, maybe the pirates will only take us on a short trip and then let us go back home. That seemed good. I smiled.

I raised my head up to see who was crying. It was too dark so I couldn't see anything. Would they feel better if I say something? I wouldn't speak too loud. "It's ok," I whispered. "I know how you feel. I miss my mom and dad and home too."

All of a sudden a head shot up out of their bed. I quickly put my covers over my head so they wouldn't see me. I peeked from a little part of my blanket and saw them looking around the room. I stayed very still. They wiped their pajama sleeve under their nose and sniffled. After a while, they went back down to sleep, their breathing sounding shaky.

Soon, I pulled my blanket from over my head. It was getting hot and I couldn't breathe very well under the covers. I thought about that person. No wonder I thought they weren't getting enough sleep, they sounded like they were crying for a long time. I yawned. I was tired again. It's very important that I get a lot of sleep. I only had one of my episodes today. Hopefully, I don't have any tomorrow. Right before falling back to sleep, one thought stayed in my mind:

What happened to Law to make him cry so much?

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