May 29, 1504

55 5 0

"For the last time Buffalo, stop taking all of Baby 5's money!" Giolla scolded.

Buffalo walked by with a triple scoop ice cream cone, having recently bought it from a nearby ice cream stand. "Lick But Baby told me she didn't mind!" he exclaimed. 

Baby nodded, her blue bow bouncing up and down. "He needed me and I wanted to be useful," she explained for herself. 

Giolla sighed, hunched over as she was holding a now walking Dellinger's hand out as he struggled to keep his balance, his little shoes making small indentions in the dirt ground. We usually don't spend our Saturday afternoon's together but, since we were moving away from Spider Miles in a week, Giolla decided to take us kids out into town for the afternoon and have us buy something to remember our time here. 

In total, the Donquixote pirates had spent a couple of years here but for kids like Law and I, we had only been here for a few months. It would be strange moving away from a place like this but I was also kind of glad that we were going away from this island where piles of trash lay on the ground like mountains to climb. 

A breeze hit my yellow dress and I shivered against it. Even though summer was approaching us, today seemed like a day where the cooler spring air still haunted us. Although Papa promised us that at the new island, the temperature stays the same year round for the most part. I was excited because I would much rather have it warm than it being cold. 

Soon we all stopped at an all-purpose store and we walked in. "I'll give you kids twenty minutes to pick out something and then we'll meet out front." Giolla picked up Dellinger who was now cooing and raising up his hands. "I'm going to get another cute outfit for Mister Dellinger." She kissed his cheek and then moved on to the baby section, leaving a red stain behind on his face.

Baby 5 and Buffalo went off to the game section to look at some play things, probably because neither one of them had money and these types of toys could be played with without buying them first. I giggled at them but then I realized that Papa keeps all of my money and so compared to them, I had an unlimited amount. Well, maybe. I guess I had never asked Papa for a lot of money before.

I turned toward Law. "What should we look at first?" I asked. He had on some long blue jeans, a long sleeved white shirt, and his signature hat on. He shrugged when he turned toward me. "I actually wasn't really planning on buying anything. I'll just follow you around." I smiled as I took his hand and walked around the store aisles.

These past few weeks had honestly surprised me when it came to Law. Ever since that day at the bookstore last month, every chance we got, we read the Sora comics and eventually finished the book and a couple weeks ago, went in to the bookstore again to buy the second volume. It was by far one of the best times I had with Law, seeing his eyes light up when action happens and seeing his face tense when Sora is nearly defeated. He even helped me read it a few times and I was able to get a grasp at what was happening in the series.

Not only did we spend our free time together, we also slept together, ate together, and even trained together for the most part. It seemed that everyone was surprised at how quickly Law and I had started to become close to one another. 

However, despite his usual offish nature and his more friendlier side opening up, he still had the tendency and goal to still become as deadly as possible when the time came. We had been on a couple of missions since Law and I became close and every single one without fail, Law brought out his absolute best and made sure to follow every single order that Papa brought out, making sure to please him. Of course, I did my best so that no one was ever suspecting of a little blonde girl to be as strong as I was. Although I wasn't perfect, I still managed to pull off my assignments with minimal injuries, just cuts and bruises. But Law and I stayed together and we fought our best that way.

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