December 24, 1504

40 1 0

By the time the ship arrived at Sabaody Island, it was pitch black and I was supposed to be in bed. However, Papa invited me along to go with him in his negotiations with Disco. At first I agreed, but after some thought, I really wanted Law to go with me.

"Papa, can't Law come with us?" I begged. I pulled down my bottom lip to show that I really mean it and to make him listen to me. Although, every time I tried this trick, it never seemed to work, until now.

Papa sighed. All of the officers were out on the deck of the ship, admiring the shadows of this mysterious island, including Law, who had his arms folded out on the edge of the ship, peering down at a shadow that seemed to draw nearer and nearer to where we were. "I only meant it to be just the two of us, although if Law really wants to come, he'll have to know that I won't protect him against every little thing that nears us," he laughs.

Law noticed the attention drawn to him and shifted positions, his light gray sweatshirt making the dark circles under his eyes pop out. None of us got much sleep last night due to an unexpected storm which nearly capsized out boat. It wasn't uncommon to get these types of storms, especially since we entered the Grand Line, but luckily we had some experienced navigators on board, and Papa overall helped get us out of any life threatening situations.

"I don't mind tagging along, if you're ok with that, Doflamingo?" asked Law. 

Eyes glanced over at Papa as he continued to laugh. "Hehehehe! Of course it's ok, but be prepared, boy!"

After saying goodbye to everyone on board, I took Papa's right hand and Law stood over by my left side. I smirked ever so slightly as Law drew near to me but deep in my mind, my heart felt like it was beating rapidly.

However, that didn't last very long as I took my first step on the ground and noticed that it was sticky.

"Papa, what is this stuff?" I complained, lifting up my foot as what seemed like a soapy substance touched my shoe.

"It's a natural soap, the whole archipelago is full of it. Just continue walking or we'll be late to our meeting,"

I nodded as we continued on, the faint lights giving way to the tall trees that appeared next to us, although they seemed kind of off, as they all appeared to have numbers on them. The number eight soon passing us by. More questions soon appeared in my mind.

"Papa, why are we meeting Disco so late at night? Doesn't he sleep? And where does he live?" I asked, loudly.

My comments only made Papa glare down at me through his sunglasses. "Fallon, we shouldn't discuss such matters out in the open like this. You never know who's listening." He looked around us as though several people were already watching us.

Although, he wasn't wrong. A couple of minutes passed by when I felt the presence of a couple of people by us. Luckily, none of us bothered them as the two drunk men staggered on, singing a song about a long lost city.

Eventually after a while, and passing by several trees, we reached a newer building that seemed empty. With just the light from the moon and the nearby lanterns, it appeared that this building was also a dome. As Law and I were both admiring it, Papa pulled the both of us aside. 

"Unless provoked by me, the two of you are to remain silent while we're in here. Do you understand?" his voice stern as he looked dow at the two of us.

We both muttered a collection of "Yes, Doflamingo," and "Yes, Papa" before entering the building.

Once inside, we admired how big and expansive it was. It seems that this place was a sort of theater of some sort as there appeared to be a stage towards the back of the building. Seats were fitted all around the room as though they were eager to hear of a lost tale from the sea. I wondered what kinds of performances went along here?

A tall thin man in a long purple coat suddenly appeared from one of the seats. His long silver hair swaying by as he put both of his hands together in joy. "Mr. Donquixote, I presume?" he held out his hand for Papa to take. "I'm Disco! We talked before on the transponder snail! I assumed you have read my proposal?" 

Papa shook his hand and nodded. "Yes, I have. But I want to make some adjustments to it, if you don't mind."

"Why certainly, Mr. Donquixote!" He motioned us to follow him with his hand. "I'll bring you down to my office."

At this moment, Disco noticed Law and I by Papa's side. "And who are these young pirates? Your bodyguards?"

I snickered at his sarcastic comment as Papa introduced us. He patted my back. "Disco, this is my daughter, Fallon," he then motioned towards Law. "And this here is Law. They are both a part of my crew."

"How exciting!" Disco gushed as he showed us the way to his office. We passed by a hallway on the other side of the stage and went through an area where there were some cages. Some big and some small but it confused me. Did they keep animals here? If so, where were they?

"It's still in excellent condition!" Disco went on, pointing to the cages. "The previous owner took great care of it. It was very unfortunate to hear of his passing, but I just couldn't pass up a deal like this!"

"Indeed," Papa smiled and chuckled. We finally reached a small room in the back and Disco led us in. Inside was a desk with a bunch of paperwork laid out and three sets of chairs. We each sat in one as Disco walked behind the desk and handed Papa a bunch of papers.

Papa read through some before pointing out some things. "Now, I am fine giving you the 100 million berries you need to run this place. But I want to discuss what I get out of it. You wanted me to receive 20% in return. Now I want to reason with it and bring it up to at least 80%, up until you pay me back for the 100 million you owe, and then it can go down to 30%. Talk to me about that."

I would have been paying attention to Papa's and Disco's conversation, but my eyes suddenly got really heavy as my head nodded on and off. Law noticed, in between listening to the two converse, and nudged me. I lifted my head and looked at his eyes as he widened them, nonverbally telling me to stay awake. 

However, it was way past my bedtime and with the terrible exhaustion from the night before, I ended up laying my head on Law's shoulder, against his silent protests.

Soon a while later, a huge hand grabbed my body and laid me on his chest as I half-sheepishly extended my arms around Papa's neck. The way his voice sounded made it seem like he was done and had made a deal with Disco. The other party's shaky voice proved my reasoning as he seemed to have a sense of "what-have-I-done" lingering in him.

Papa started to move again and I even heard Law talk. Why was he talking and what for? I thought we were supposed to stay silent? My thoughts soon ended with me as darkness came and my consciousness left.

A/N: Thanks for reading thus far!! The next chapter will be the 1k special so that means that I have the storyline chosen (with special help of a random number generator) and it will be option 1! It will be a bit longer than I am used to so I will start working on it as soon as possible. With that said, I will be out on vacation starting next week, celebrating my brother and I's birthday, so I will try to have it out by then but we'll see:) Again thanks for reading and I hope you're ready for the next chapter😍

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