May 30, 1504: 2:30AM

58 4 0

A hot wind passed over us as my little group and I huddled in shock at what just happened. We had just witnessed a massive explosion on the top of the castle walls and my heart ached for what could have happened, knowing my captain was up there along with some formidable enemies. My ears rang as I looked at the now fiery castle, showing similarities to a birthday cake gone wrong. 

"The Royal Palace bursts into flames!" squeaked the tiny Leo, his voice, although small, managing to surmise the bellowing of the inferno above us. My hand covered my eyes so as to not succumb to the nearly blinding firestorm and the frequent waves of smoke that if not for my appendage, could have blinded my senses a long time ago. 

Soon, after the shock that came upon us, I raised my arm down and gazed at the aftermath of the explosion, finally able to speak. 

"What's going on?!" I asked the others, not sure if they knew more than I did. I guessed the others were still in awe of the flames that tarnished the castle above us as neither the Tontatta's nor the father-daughter duo said a word as they watched their beloved country's castle burning, although it was already tarnished several years prior. In a soft voice, I hear the pink haired girl next to me silently pray for the safety of her Lucy.

Almost as sudden as the fire had started, a figure appeared out of the flames, carrying something or someone while a much larger figure appeared nearly a second later to try to catch up. My eyes widened.

"Luffy! Doflamingo!" I yelled as I saw the two burst out of the envelopment of the fire behind them. I felt relieved to see my captain still in one piece, knowing that I should never doubt his abilities, but still relieved nonetheless. The Warlord which had his hand out to grab my captain, appeared as terrifying as ever, but also taking the guise that he was uninjured, something I knew was not correct. 

After learning about the secrets of the country of Dressrosa, I had silently patted myself on the back as one of my many options several years ago was to get myself involved in the black market under the safety net of a Warlord. One of those options was the Donquixote pirates. However, before getting myself involved with such a crew, I had acquired some knowledge of a poneglyph in the kingdom of Alabasta and had gotten involved with another Warlord, Crocodile. 

As the two became more visible to the naked eye, I noticed the cargo that Luffy was carrying and gasped, my mouth and eyes both agape. In one hand of my beloved captain, almost like a rag doll, was what became of the other Warlord, Trafalgar Law. However, what really stood out to me was how injured he was. Something stirred inside of me as tears nearly filled my eyes. Why was I so endearing towards this man who I hardly knew? Was there something about him that is needed for my survival here on this avast planet?

I remember years ago hearing about a pirate from the North Blue who eventually sailed the Grand Line, but like all the many successful pirates out there, I paid no attention. However, when I saw him for the first time in the auction house over on the Sabaody Archipelago, something in me stirred and a craving I had never experienced before blew up inside of me. Who was this man? And why did my heart and soul go after him so much. 

During my time with the Revolutionaries, I had the chance to meet up with him again, although by coincidence. We talked and drank at a local bar for a few minutes before something pulled him away and my eyes ached to see his tattooed figure again. Even with the events of yesterday and today, seeing his body the way it was only made me want to scream and roar at his fragile state. But my voice never reached those depths. Instead what came, was that of concern. 

From what I could tell through his tattered clothes, what once was a light jacket now had multiple gun holes popping through it, each with a stain of red blood. His entire body was covered with scrapes and other larger holes in his body. But what stood out to me the most was his lack of a right arm, which was cut off at the stub with a piece of cloth tied up so as not to lose too much blood.

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