April 8, 1504

63 4 0

"And then Cora-san drank the tea, but it was super hot!" laughed Buffalo. 

"And then what happened?" I asked. Buffalo and Baby 5's pranks to Cora-san can be so funny sometimes.

"And then he spit it out on all of us! It was disgusting!" cackled Baby 5.

"No way he can be that stupid," mocked Law.

"Oh you kids need to be nicer to our dear Corazon," scolded Giolla, holding up a squirming Dellinger who was cooing in between our conversation.

All of us kids plus Giolla were out in town going to an ice cream shop for Buffalo's 15th birthday today since it's his absolute favorite! I was excited because it had been such a long time since I really left our home and explored much of the outside walls of our building we lived at.

Since getting the antibiotic, almost everyone recovered in the next day or two, well, except for Law and I. It took a little bit longer for the both of us to recover: me, because I absorbed the Aunt tax thing and needed extra care, and Law, because of his disease, it made it hard for him to get better again. Papa told us we needed to take it easy with our training and had us rest a little bit longer than everyone else. However, it didn't take very long for the both of us to train back on track again.

"Ok, ok, Fallon! Let me try something out on you!" exclaimed Buffalo.

"Ok?" I answered as he walked to the left side of me. What was he going to do?

"Plug your right ear, I want to see if you can hear me!" he laughed. I did as he told me to and looked at him as he said something to me. 

"I can't hear what you're saying, but I can feel the vibrations!" I explained. It did feel kind of weird not hearing anything out of my left ear.

"Of course she can't hear anything, she's deaf in that ear! That means she can't hear anything out of it!" Law rolled his eyes. He was right. While recovering from our sickness, we found out that the ear I got injured from stopped hearing. It was hard at first because I had to listen closely with my right ear in order to hear properly, and my balance became off because of it. Luckily, I learned quickly and I hardly noticed it unless someone does something funny like what Buffalo did to me just now.

"We already know that, Law" Baby rolled her eyes. "He was just playing with her."

All of a sudden, Law gave his signature glare over at Baby and she proceeded to turn to Buffalo and cry. I laughed. I always thought these situations were so funny.

Ever since we got sick, Law had been extra clingy to me. But as our recovery went forward, he became more and more distant, wanting to talk to me less, unless it was important. But it showed me that Law was a lot more comfortable with me than he thought, even if he didn't show it. I always laugh to myself when I think about it.

"Here we are," muttered Giolla, opening the ice cream shop door open for us. It was a beautiful day outside but the cool air inside the building made it even more exciting for me because it meant I was one step closer to eating a yummy cold treat. The sweet aroma enveloped my nose as I looked down at all the flavors the shop had to offer. Eventually, we all chose the flavors and type of ice cream we got and sat down at a long round table.

I was enjoying my triple flavor sundae when an older man with short black curly hair came inside. He ordered a chocolate shake with a cherry on top and stood and waited by the counter, looking over his shoulder at us. Well, at first I thought he was looking at all of us but I was enjoying the strawberry flavor and banana a little bit too much so I never got a good look at him. However, once the workers called out his name and handed him his shake, I noticed he took out a piece of paper, wrote down something, and then proceeded to walk towards us.

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