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A/N: This story came about as the original plot line for Fallon's Story but obviously I changed it:) It takes place about six months (more or less) after Marineford. Enjoy!

I haven't slept for two days straight.

Usually the cure for a good nights sleep is, well, the obvious: get inside a comfy bed and sleep. And (hopefully) within eight or so hours later, you wake up refreshed and ready to start a new day. Unfortunately, that's not the case when you are the mother of a two year old with an ear infection.

Yesterday morning was when the crying started. My daughter developed a fever sometime during the night and had grown very irritable as the day went on, which was very unlike her sunshine attitude. I did as any mother would and put a cold wash cloth on her forehead while rocking and nursing her back to good health. Unfortunately, when her tiny hands started to pull at her ears which led me to notice the redness that surrounded it, I finally had to call the doctor. 

Even though he was busy with far more critical patients than a cranky toddler, Donovan still came and checked up on my daughter and diagnosed her with an ear infection. He left me with some antibiotics and left, rushing to manage his other patients who were close to death. Unfortunately, the antibiotics did not seem to work and her crying seemed to go on endlessly, only pausing due to her exhaustion. Her pain did not seem to go away and as a mother, this hurt me just as much as it hurt her.

I even had to call off work yesterday and today so I could spend some time with her. Thankfully, we were at a point where my help wasn't needed as often anymore, but that still didn't stop my uncle from keeping me in line, even if we were out on an island in the middle of the Grand Line.

Before two months ago, I had never even heard of the island of Baltigo. Actually, I had never really heard much about the surrounding islands of the Grand Line at all. But when certain members of the Revolutionary army come up to you and tell you that Dragon himself requested your assistance, you leave everything you have built up and bring nothing but a chest full of your belongings and your two year old daughter with you to wherever your uncle needed you.

And up until yesterday, I had never taken a day off and thankfully, the others respected that. And also based on the fact that I was Dragon's niece definitely helped out a lot. 

So when I heard a knock on my door, I was confused. I had already gotten my food for today and some more of my daughter's medicine but nothing else came to mind of what I might have forgotten. I held a crying Ann as I reached out and opened the door. In front of me stood one of the younger Revolutionaries, a dirty blond haired boy named Archer who from the looks of it, had enjoyed himself a jelly donut for breakfast that morning.

"Hello, Archer," I welcomed, attempting to talk louder than the cries of my daughter.

"Miss Fallon, " he started. "Your abilities are needed,"

I turned my head ever so slightly. Didn't I tell everyone that I would not be available today?

Shaking my head, I looked at the boy, he seemed to have barely reached the teenage years. Lucky guy. "I called off today. Unless it's an emergency, I don't think I would be able to do a good enough job. I'm exhausted and I haven't slept since I don't know when. Can't they wait until tomorrow?"

Archer moved his left hand through his shaggy hair. "Well, I could see, but-"

"Good," I interrupted. I moved to close the door. "And tell my uncle I'm sorry,"

The boy looked like he wanted to say more but I didn't have enough patience nor the will power to get though another conversation.

I decided to move Ann and I to my bed in our tiny apartment. I didn't need a whole lot of space to perform and so the small quarters worked wonderfully for us. Being gentle in not rocking her too much, I laid both my daughter and I down in my bed and tried to sleep. Eventually the sounds of her aching cries lulled me off to another land...

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now