January 20, 1504: 12 PM

113 6 0

Walking into the super big dining room, I smelt chicken. My stomach had been grumbly for a while now so I knew that I was really hungry. In the morning, I had only eaten an apple, but now I wanted to eat everything. I stretched my arms and yawned. Maybe a nap would be good too.

I was guided by a servant with Buffalo, Law, and Baby to our seats at the long table. The room had two huge windows where a lot of sunlight was coming through. On the dining table, there were a couple of plates for every seat with a lot of silverware for each. I couldn't believe everyone had not only one plate but two plates for themselves! I wondered what each plate and silverware was used for. We didn't get anything to eat off of yesterday or this morning. We all ate with our hands.

I frowned, remembering Jo and Maddy and how they must be starving. I wished I knew where they were and if they were all right. Papa told me that they should be fine. Maybe they ran into someone's boat and they were rescued! I hope so.

Papa. That's what Doflamingo wanted me to call him. Not that I want to. Back a couple of hours ago when we were in his room sitting at his desk, I couldn't believe when he said that he was my father. Him? My dad? I thought about my dad at home. He was tall, strong, goofy, and loved us so much. Wasn't that what a dad was? What more could it possibly be? I asked Papa that and he just laughed. He told me that everyone in his crew is like his family. Even the kids he treated like they were his own younger siblings. But I was special because not only will he treat me like family, we share the same blood. I didn't really get that but he says that when we land at their home, we'll go to a doctor and get our blood tested to see if it matches. I don't really like needles but I will try to be brave.

We talked for a while and he had me ask him questions. I asked him a lot and this is what he answered: He is twenty-five years old, his favorite game to play is Marionette (I didn't know what that was until he told me that it is when he controls people. Oh. I didn't know that was a game.), he likes flamingos, and his favorite color is pink! I liked that last part because my favorite color is also pink!

 I'm still not happy with him for what he did to Jo and Maddy but he is nice to me. As long as I obey him.

Even though I had only known him for a few hours, I noticed some things about him. First was that Papa loved to laugh and smile, even if it was a serious situation. Normally, my mom would get me in trouble for laughing when I wasn't supposed to, like at church, but Papa did it all the time. Another thing I noticed was that he wanted me to always look him in the eye. I don't get why I have to do it but Papa told me it was respectful. But if that was the reason, why did he wear his sunglasses all the time? I can't even see his eyes with them on! He only took them off when he talked with me in his room but kept them on everywhere else. I wonder why. Whatever, I don't want to ask if it'll get me in trouble.  That reminds me of the last thing, when Papa says anything, everyone obeys him. I don't know what happens when they don't, but I think it has something to do with when he controlled me.

I also asked him if he had a devil fruit and he said yes. When he became a pirate, he ate the String-String fruit and became a string man. That's how he was able to control me this morning. He's also able to fight with it and uses it to cut people down. I don't know if I think it is cool or not.

As we were being led to our seats in the dining room, the servant pointed me to a chair near the front of the table. The rest of the kids sat a couple seats down from me.

"You're so lucky that you get to sit up front by the young master!" commented Baby. "We didn't know he had a daughter, but now that means I have a girl here to play with!" She jumped up and down before sitting in her seat, her white bow bouncing.

"Yeah! We can play more games now that there are four of us!" Buffalo said excitedly.

"Whatever, just don't be annoying about it," sighed Law, looking at Buffalo. He rolled his tired eyes as he sat down in his seat. "Just because we now have four kids doesn't mean I want to be included in that." This was the first time I heard him speak all day.

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