March 17, 1505 11:30 AM

51 4 0

"Close your eyes this time, Fallon. Really try to feel for your surroundings."

I did as Papa told me to and shut my eyes, turning my whole world into darkness. I heard a slight sound as Papa spoke to me again.

"Good. I put out my strings. You need to be careful and make your way over towards me."

For the past couple of hours, Papa had me navigate through his strings in order to build up my observation haki. Since we left our last mission, Papa was worried that I may be lacking in a few areas of my abilities. He told me that I needed to constantly practice so that I may never get it wrong, just like he does.

We were in his room now as I took a deep breath. I let any feelings I may be feeling go as I focused my energy on where the strings could be. The scratches on my arms proved to me that Papa's strings could cut you, but I had become better at recognizing them as soon as they touched me which prevented any further harm in my skin.

Just as I felt my energy go outward, parts of it bounced back and I knew the strings were there. I bent down and went underneath one and paused. Slowly, I stood up and crossed over another string with my left leg going over first. I repeated these motions several times, making sure that I didn't lose any sense of my energy. 

After a few minutes, I came to what I felt was a much larger energy presence and I opened my eyes. Papa stood before me, smiling. 

"That's it, Fallon. See, you're already improving!"

He chuckled as the strings that I had to move around suddenly disappeared.

"This time will be a little bit harder, but once you completed this, we'll go have lunch," Papa told me.

My grumbling tummy reminded me that I used up a lot of my strength today. Training my haki always makes me feel super tired and hungry afterwards.

I nodded as I closed my eyes once again, a swooshing sound filled the air as I tried to concentrate my actions. I walked forward, but had to turn slightly to the right a little to avoid a string. A few minutes later and I was in the zone, feeling around with my energy and sidestepping many obstacles. However, I voice surprised me.

The door to the room swung open. A smaller presence entered in.

"Young Master! Fallon! I was told to bring you to the table to eat!" Baby 5 yelled out at us.

Lunch? Oh yeah, I was hungry. 

However, in the small second, I forgot where I was and I turned my head towards Baby. A lone string grazed the left side of my face, under my eye and I screamed as a burning sensation made its way down my face.

Immediately, I tried opening my eyes again, only to be successful with just my right one. I looked at a blurry picture of Papa yelling at Baby as the strings went away.

"Baby! How many times do I have to tell you, you can't interrupt my training sessions with Fallon!" he yelled, making his way towards me. 

I felt like crying. However, what good would crying do when I couldn't even open my eye all the way. What felt like a tear came off my chin and I wiped it away with my hand. I looked down and a streak of red liquid stained my hand.

Blood, and a lot of it.

I wanted to scream at the sight of it but instead, my breathing grew more faster as I stared on at the image of Papa grabbing a white thing and bringing it over to me. He placed it under my eye as I realized it was a cloth. He was trying to help stop the blood.

"Hurry! Let's get you towards some more bandages to patch you up," Papa tried to comfort me as he held his hand on my back, leading me out of his room. 

I closed my eyes as I walked with Papa to what it seemed like was the sitting room at the back of the house. I felt warmth on my face from the windows from what I assumed was the sun and it brought me little comfort.

Papa sat me down as I heard a crowd of people surrounding me.

"What happened to her?" asked a man.

"That doesn't look good," said another.

"It's all my fault," cried a voice that I only knew could only be Baby's. She sounded like she was in tears. Why was she? She didn't do anything wrong.

"Now, now, everyone settle down. I need to see how bad her injury really is," Papa shushed everyone else and the whole room went silent as he removed the white cloth I had under my eye.

Air rushed around and stung my upper cheek as everyone gasped. I felt drips of blood dropping down my face and I knew it was bad. 

"Oh, Young Master, she needs stitches, bandages, and some rest," a female voice spoke that I only recognized as Giolla.

"Go get her some then while I apply pressure," ordered Papa, the already wet and bloodied cloth was drawn again to my face.

Some more noise assumed for a few more minutes as everyone talked about me. It was common for one to get injured, but with me being the youngest (besides Dellinger) and also Papa's daughter, it became a huge deal. 

"What is everyone doing in here? Do none of you want lunch?" questioned a familiar voice.

Oh no. It's about to become an even huger deal. 

The noise quieted down as Law gasped. "What happened to you?" he demanded.

"It's all my fault," Baby sobbed.

"Oh hush, none of it was your fault, Baby 5," Giolla said patiently. I assumed she came back with the supplies I needed.

I felt Giolla's and Law's presence closer now as Papa shuffled through the items that Giolla brought.

Law reached out to me and took the stained cloth off of my face.

I opened my one good eye and was able to get a blurry look at his face. He almost looked scared, which for a while, I didn't believe he was capable of feeling.

Papa soon turned around, carrying some objects in his hands. 

"Ok, Fallon," he started out. "I need you to be very still and try to stay calm as I do this,"

I nodded, biting my lip as I closed my eye once again. A hand reached out and grabbed my right hand as Papa turned my face towards him. 

Soon, a stinging type of pain appeared on my face and I squeezed the hand I held, trying not to cry with my one good eye.

However, just as the pain itched through my face, it went away, leaving only a pulsing feeling under my eye.

"You should probably take a rest for today," comments Giolla as she places a warm cloth on my face to wipe away the excess blood and puts a tight bandage under my eye.

"It'll leave a nice scar," laughs Papa. "Law, how about you take her up to your room."

"Got it," obeyed Law. I felt his hands underneath me as he took me up in his arms and carried my up the stairs to our room. 

A/N: Happy holidays!! This is my late Christmas present to y'all so I hope you enjoy it:p

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now