November 16, 1504

42 3 0

The room stayed still as everyone looked at Papa and then to those around them. It took several seconds before one of us spoke up. I, on the other hand, looked down in my seat as my legs were swaying back and forth, my hands twiddling with the other. I had been thinking about the exciting new adventure that Papa had laid out for all of us. 

"But are you absolutely sure, Young Master?" Giolla spoke up first. Eyes shifted from her to Papa as we all waited for him to speak.

Papa's large hands spread out on the table in front of him, his back arched as his head lifted up again for everyone to see. 

"Yes, I am absolutely sure, Giolla," Papa smiled, a steak of light from the window ran over his sunglasses as he shifted himself to be even taller than he was.

"The Grand Line, that's a very prestigious and dangerous place to explore," Señor Pink said, swirling his wine in his hand before taking a sip.

"It is, and that's why I'm telling you all now. Because next month when we leave, we need to be prepared for what lies ahead, and it's not going to be easy at all."

"Oh, but Doffy! You need to tell them what we have gotten hold of, that's going to totally help us out and give us an advantage to get through the Grand Line!" cried out Diamante.

I looked up as I saw Baby 5 slip out of the room for a second before my eyes trained back to Papa who smiled as Diamante lead him to explaining a little bit more.

"Yes, thank you Diamante. As I was saying earlier, this man who had contacted me earlier, Disco, told me about a new opportunity that he was in charge of. The only thing missing from this plan was protection and a good name to invest with. This island where he's at, is not actually an island, but an archipelago called Sabaody. Normally when one goes to the Grand Line, you would need a log pose to get you through. Now that could take anywhere between a few months to years to get through. And unfortunately, Sabaody is not a place you can get to with just a log pose; you either need to go through the Red Line to get there, or another means, such as," he lifted up a white piece of paper "a vivre card!"

Everyone ooed and awed as we admired the piece of paper. I cocked my head as I felt confused. What's a vivre card and why is it just a piece of paper? What can it do?

Papa must of noticed my confusion as Baby 5 walked back inside the room, holding three cups of tea. He cleared his throat through all of the noise.

"A vivre card is made up of the DNA of a person into this piece of paper. Now when one places it down flat," he did so likewise and it moved toward the edge of the table. "you notice how it moves in a certain direction. This means that this person, or Disco, who's vivre card I have, is in this general direction and in order to find him, we need to follow in whatever way the card is moving towards." 

He stuffed the paper back in his pocket and continued speaking. "Now we'll do that for a couple of weeks in order to-"

All of a sudden, Uncle Cora spit out his tea as it sizzled on the table, making some of Papa's papers and other important stuff stain with the hot liquid. Baby and Buffalo started to laugh as Papa quickly picked up the surviving documents and applied an unused napkin to clean up the spilt mess, glaring at his younger brother.

Once the mess was cleaned up, Papa continued. "Anyways, let's discuss our plan of action with the Marines as they are to have a large presence in Sabaody."


"The Grand Line, can you believe it?" asked Law as I hit the notes on the piano. We had just gotten out of our meeting around twenty minutes ago and I went straight to the piano to practice. Just like any other time, Law had followed me to talk in private which thanks to my beginning piano skills, no one else was around.

"I know! But we won't be there forever," I added on. Unfortunately, we still had a lot of business to deal with here in the North Blue and according to Papa, we weren't ready yet to take over the Grand Line, just add our presence here and there. 

I stopped playing to massage my arms. Lao G worked us hard today with martial arts training and from the looks of it, Law felt it too as he rubbed his upper arms. I had definitely understood Papa when he told us that we all needed to be ready but sometimes the training hurt, both during and afterwards.

"I feel like we need one more quick break before we leave on the ship, where I know we'll have no privacy," explained Law.

I giggled. "What type of break? Aren't we already on a break now?" Usually we called the time between trainings and meals and meetings "breaks".

Law shook his head. "No, I mean," he looked around before whispering in my ear. "A date,"

Oh that's what he meant. A smile crept on my face. "Oh, yeah that would be nice, but when would we do it?" We had so much stuff to do, especially since we would be gone for a month for our journey to the Grand Line.

"Next week, there's going to be a parade sometime in the morning. I don't think your dad will be here so we can push our training for the afternoon. How does that sound?" His gray eyes lit up as  my smile stayed on my face.

I glanced around the room for anybody in and near the room before I pulled Law into an embrace. "That sounds so amazing! You're the best boyfriend ever!" I noticed a blush crept onto his cheeks as I pulled back our embrace.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you to your practicing now," smiled Law. He stood up and I faced my sheet music once again but before I pressed my fingers into the keys once again, Law's hand connected with my shoulder as he turned my neck ever so slightly and placed a forehead kiss. 

As he left the room, my face turned red as I continued playing my piece. I loved it when he would do things like that for me. I hoped deep down that he would treat me like that forever.

A/N: Hello!!! I hope y'all are having a wonderful day!! This weekend I moved and so that was a hassle but I also found out something exciting: We are up to 1k reads!!!! I just want to thank everyone for reading, voting, saving, and commenting!! I am still planning on having a 1k special so make sure you vote for which option you want in the previous chapter! I will decide (let's be honest, probably by the time the next chapter comes out) around September 8, 2022 so make sure you vote before then!

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