January 25, 1504: 8 PM

78 5 0

"And then Max knew from then on that he could trust his friends, even though he may have thought differently than them. The End." I closed the blue book and jumped off of Papa's lap, setting the book with the others in the basket next to Papa's bed. The rain was still going strong from this morning as a gentle breeze blew some of it on the window. "Can I see some of the other books you got for me?" I asked, kneeling down in my pink sleeping gown at the box Papa brought from his travels these past few days.

"How about we look at the rest tomorrow, you need to sleep," sighed Papa. I lifted up a few books about writing, math, and then a magazine with a woman in a bikini on the front? I lifted it up to show Papa. "What's this?" I asked.

Immediately, he reached out and snatched the magazine out of my hand. "That is not for you," he growled as he stood up and shoved it into a drawer near his bed. I giggled. I noticed that his face turned kind of red, or was that from the fire in the fireplace?

After Papa came home, I asked him if I could make a yummy dessert for Giolla for her birthday. He laughed and said maybe but I think he forgot because I never made anything for her. Instead, the cooks made her a very fancy cake. I played with Baby and Buffalo for the rest of the day inside up until it was time for me to go to bed. I didn't see Law much today but when I did, I noticed he was all banged up from when Corazon threw him outside. I wondered if Uncle Cora-san did that to Law, what would he had done to me?

"How about you head off to bed, Fallon, your training officially starts tomorrow," Papa ordered. 

I pouted. "One more book? Please??" I begged. I even put out my lip face. "And I already started training remember?"

Papa laughed. "You just watched and observed Law train. Tomorrow you will start the real thing starting with Diamante and learning swordsmanship." I frowned. So watching Law train wasn't training for me? I enjoyed watching him fight but now I would have to fight him almost every single day.

I sighed. "Ok, Papa." I slowly got up and dragged myself to his door. I didn't feel very tired which was weird for me but I guess it must have been the pill I was taking. 

"You forgot something," Papa said. I turned around. That was weird. I didn't bring anything. What could I have forgotten? But then I saw Papa's arms spread out and I knew he wanted a hug. I turned back and ran into his arms. He felt warm as he kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight, Fallon," he said. I let go of him. "Goodnight, Papa," I whispered before I let myself down and ran outside of his room.

After passing some of the adults playing poker and other games, I reached the kids room and shut the door. No one else was in here because the other kids went to bed later on in the night. I walked over to my bed and realized something. If I was going to sleep with Law tonight, why even bother getting into my bed? I grabbed my pink pillow,  walked over to his bed, took off my slippers and got under his black blanket. 

I stared up at the ceiling. I sighed as I tried going to sleep. Nothing. I decided to start singing. Sometimes whenever I couldn't sleep, my mom would sing songs for me. She had the most beautiful voice and I always wanted to sing just like her.

In the quiet misty morning
When the moon has gone to bed
When the sparrows stop their singing
And the sky is clear and red*

The window rattled as the wind and rain grew stronger. I continued on:

When the summer's ceased its gleaming
When the corn is past its prime
When adventure's lost its meaning
I'll be homeward bound in time

I heard a lot of people shout and explode with laughter upstairs. Someone must have won a game.

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now