March 13,1505 6PM

44 2 0

The smooth rock hit the sand in the space we marked with nearby twigs. 

"You have to jump six times!" I yelled at Buffalo as he huffed and crouched down, ready to jump. As soon as he shot in the air, he came back down and the sand around him shot every where. He soon repeated the action five more times, this time moving forward just enough for him to collect the rock we were playing with and throwing it right back at us. It nearly hit Law in the foot but he moved just in time for the stone to land on the sand, making a swoosh sound as it did so. 

"Your turn, Law!" exclaimed Buffalo as he turned around, keeping his legs in the same position but angling his large torso so it faced us. 

Law sighed as he picked up the rock and held it into position to aim and throw. The goal of the game is to make it far enough to where whoever gets to the finish line first, wins. We move spaces from throwing the rock. However, in the effort to achieve this, we have to do certain tasks in order to reach the rock. Buffalo went first and now it was Law's turn to go.

After a moment of contemplation, Law threw the rock and it landed just in front of Buffalo. He smiled as Buffalo put his hands on his hips. 

"No fair, Law! I didn't throw it as hard as I could have! I want a rematch!" Buffalo cried.

Law only smiled. "Too bad, Buffalo. Guess you have to try harder next time." He held out his hands and legs and did seven jumping jacks in order to get to his rock. It was a close match but he eventually made it as he spread out his legs and jumped further with each leap.

He tossed the rock back to me as I caught it with both of my hands. However, as soon as I did that, a giant hand gripped my shoulder and I turned around, expecting to see Papa.

But the hand did not belong to Papa.

It belonged to a man about as tall as my father but he had long, shaggy brown hair and three piercings on his left ear. A sword stuck out on his right side and tattoos lined up on both of his arms. A large following of men hung out behind him as they started laughing and growling at something.

"My, aren't you all a cute bunch of kids, now are ya?" the man holding my shoulder smacked at us as he pushed me aside with great force, causing me to crash down on the sand.

It didn't hurt but the action caused Law to move from his space in the game and approached the tall man who was now kicking up sand with each step and seemed to give interest to Law.

"Hey! You better not treat Fallon like that!" yelled Law, his teeth setting with every word.

The man only laughed. "Do you not know who we are, boy? We're the Dreges pirates, and have come to look for the famous Donquixote pirates! We heard of their scheme at the Oro Bank today and wanted to pay them a little visit. So step aside so we can go talk to the adults."

The Dreges pirates? I've never really heard of them, but that's only because Papa never seemed to care to teach us about any other pirate group who seemed to pose no threat to us. Would this be the case or will we run into real big trouble?

"Well, if you're looking for the Donquixote pirates, you've come to the right place," Buffalo smiled as he started to throw sand and propel it towards the pirates. "Fallon! Baby! Move quick!" he warned us as we dove away and covered our faces, just as the sand landed on the pirates.

We heard a mixture of shouting and swearing and several pirates yelling about now being able to see with sand in their eyes.

Just as I opened my eyes, the dust of sand began to settle and I felt Baby next to me beginning to transform into a rifle. I stood behind her just as she aimed and shot at the pirates. Many held up several shields but fortunately, some of the bullets got through and pierced several of the men. 

I looked around for Law through the chaos and was met with nothing. Where did he go? He was just here.

I creeped slowly through the sand in my search for him. I had to find him to make sure nothing bad happened to him. I would feel really sad if something unfortunate did happen to him.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder and plucked me from off the ground. I swung my head around to see the man with shaggy brown hair clutching me as if I was a rag doll. 

"Now you're a pretty little girl," he chuckled softly, the smell of his breath almost made me puke. "How about you show me where the adults are,"

Show him where the adults were? I was not about to do that. However, as soon as I made an attempt to hurt him, I fell to the ground, his arm still attached to me. 

Screaming ensued from the man as I took off his arm, the man's blood still pouring out from the wound. A familiar pink figure stood behind the man as Papa reached out and crushed the guy's neck with one hand. The man slowly fell down as his body, which was now a crumbled bloody heap, started twitching as death soon fell in.

I looked around me. Many of the other officers were out and fighting the rest of the pirates. Giolla had turned a few men into dancing art as she laughed at their fate. Señor Pink had taken on a couple men at once, putting his arms around his neck  as he flipped upwards and brought them both crashing down.

A familiar tall skinny man caught my view as Diamante easily fought using his sword with the remaining men, each meeting their fate with each blow. However, a spotted hat caught my eye and I realized that Law was also over there, using a small knife to attempt to take out a couple of men.

"I'm disappointed in you, Fallon," a voice sounded behind me and I turned around. Papa had his hands crossed along his chest. "I saw this man coming straight behind you to grab you. I was curious to see if you were using your observation haki to make our enemies known around you, but as soon as he grabbed you, I knew that wasn't the case."

I hung my head low. I guess I was a little distracted.

"I'm sorry, Papa," I apologized.

He chuckled slightly. "Don't apologize to me when the enemy sneaks up on me and you get hurt because of it." He pointed his finger out towards the sea. "However, once we get back home, I want to refocus our training for observation haki, that way I can have you well-trained for fights like this one and you don't have to rely on me to save you every time."

I smiled and nodded my head. The sun started to set out by the sea and I watched as the colors soon changed and reflected on the water. I heard a noise and looked up as Law started running towards me, his feet making a pattering sound with each step he took.

As Law approached, Papa put his hand on my back. "Let's get back to the ship for now, we may have more enemies coming," he grunted as he used his other hand to point us in the direction of the ship.

I smiled at Law as he gave me a half filled smirk. It can be hard sometimes to hide a relationship right in front of your father's eyes!

A/N: Hey!! Sorry for the late update! I've just been working nights sometimes and don't get back into bed until late and I need my sleep haha! So for now on, I will probably have no schedule of when these chapters will come out so I apologize for that! I wanted to have this book done by the time my baby is born but I don't think that's going to happen😅 Any how, thank you for your patience and I will get the next chapter out as soon as I can!

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now