September 15, 1504: 7PM

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By the time we got to the restaurant, the sun could be seen setting in front of the many clouds in-between buildings. It had stopped raining hours ago and the remnants of that could be seen in the street and in the humidity in the air. Luckily, the ground wasn't too muddy when we walked the hour to the restaurant Law told me we would be eating at. 

However, it didn't look like a restaurant at all. What stood in front of me was a super tall building.

"This is the restaurant?" I asked Law. "It sure doesn't look like one."

"The whole thing isn't the restaurant," corrected Law. He put his hand on the bottom of my back and lead me into the building. "Here, I'll show you."

We entered the building and I saw some people at a counter while another man put their belongings on a bellhop. I felt confused. I turned towards Law who was heading toward the center of the grand room, to an elevator. "Did you take me to a hotel?"

Law smirked. "Yes, but we're just going to the restaurant here." He pressed the "up" button and we waited for the doors to open. "You're going to love it."

Once the doors opened, a chime rang out as we both stepped inside. As we turned around, a man was running to try to catch up with the elevator. "Hold the door please!" he called out to us.

Law pressed one of the buttons and the doors instantly closed, locking us in and the man outside. The man started pounding on the door to let him in but we started moving upwards.

"What was that for?" I laughed, looking at Law.

He shrugged. "I could care less if he made it on."

I giggled some more. Sometimes the mean things Law does makes me laugh.

We went up for a while until the chime rang on the 40th floor and the doors opened. When we walked out of the elevator, we were greeted by a lowlight outdoors area where some people were sitting down, eating some yummy food. 

However, before we could sit down, a guy behind a desk looked down at us. "I'm sorry but we don't serve minors after six."

"We have a reservation at seven for two under the name Trafalgar," said Law, looking intently at the guy.

After ruffling through some papers, the guy picked up something and looked at it with great scrutiny. "Oh, I do have a reservation for two under Trafalgar, but I was unaware it would be consisting of two minors. We can reschedule for another time, if that's ok?"

Law took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to the guy. This time as the guy read it, his eyes widened. "My apologies! I was unaware you two were officers under the name Donquixote. My greatest apologies." He guided us with his hand. "This way, you two."

After grabbing a couple of menus, he lead us into the dining area. In the middle it looked like a bar as tons of alcohol were stacked toward the back. Around the front of the restaurant, where we were, there was a little garden with tons of plants, bushes, and even trees, however, all around the edges, were no windows, but the open air, showing some buildings lit up already. The sun from this angle could be seen descending into the nearby ocean and I smiled at the view. We were so high up but this view was gorgeous.

I was also surprised when the waiter put us at a table right next to the edge, although many plants were surrounding the glass wall, the view looked absolutely beautiful. As soon as I was about to sit down, Law took my seat, pushing it back. At first I thought he was going to sit in it, but then he motioned for me to take my place there. 

"Thanks," I muttered as Law sat down right across from me. 

"My, don't you two make a nice couple!" the waiter complemented us. Upon hearing that, I bursted out laughing. A couple? Maybe someday.

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