March 17, 1505 7PM

52 5 0

A thick quilt has been wrapped around my arms as I shiver, not from being cold, but from the pain I was in. Although my bandage has been replaced twice since noon, there continued to be a throb underneath where the string had cut me.

I switched sides from my right side to now starring up at the ceiling. I was told that I needed to rest in order for me to heal and I had been stuck in my room for a long time now. I tried to go to sleep but it's very hard to rest when you are in a lot of pain. So now I watched the light from the sun slowly go out from behind the curtains and now I know that it is almost time for me to go to bed on a normal night.

Throughout the day, I heard many voices coming through many places in the house. I heard Diamante's loud voice bragging about himself again, Señor Pink's smooth talking one of the servants in the house, and even Pica's laugh echoed through to my room. At one point during the day, I heard a crash and soon heard screams come from Buffalo and Baby 5, most likely from attempting another prank on Uncle Cora. I smiled to myself thinking about how the scene would have looked like.

A noise distracted me from my thoughts as the door creaked open and Law entered the room. His hat started to fall of his head as he quickly grabbed it and brought it back to the top of his messy black hair.

"You're still awake?" he asked, his hands placing his hat at a certain angle on his head.

"Yeah," I muttered. "There's too much going on in the house and I can't rest."

"You got dinner, right?" Law questioned.

I nodded. "Vikram brought me up some chicken and dumplings and some carrot cake for dessert!" The food was so good but it hurt to eat due to the pain on the side of my face. I touched my bandages and Law squinted his eyes. "It still hurts a lot, right?"

I nodded again, but this time, tears came through my eyes, stinging my bandage. "I don't want to be hurt." I sobbed. "I want to feel normal again." I hated feeling like I can't do anything. I would have gone downstairs a long time ago if it weren't for the fact that Papa told me that I needed to rest.

Papa came up to visit me a few times and made sure I was ok. I know he feels bad for accidentally hurting me and I didn't want him to know that I felt pain so I pretended to feel ok for him. Even though I told him I felt fine, he still told me to stay in bed.

Law approached me and touched my back. "Fallon, what can I do to make you feel better?" His touch only made things worse and I cried some more, pushing his hand out of the way and burrowing my face into my pillow, only increasing my pain even more. I wanted my pain to go away but how could Law do that?

Through my tears, I heard Law open the door and left the room, leaving me with the door shut and my tears now pouring down my cheeks. Where did Law go? Why would he leave me? My chest heaved back and forth as I curled underneath my quilt and hugged my pillow. Was my weakness too much for him? Should I have not cried in front of him? Was he going to tell Papa? I sobbed some more thinking about the thought.

Suddenly, the door knob turned slowly and Law entered and immediately closed the door. Through my tears and swollen face, I couldn't see him very well but I knew it was him, however he was holding something.

Law sat down on his side of the bed and opened up a book. Only it wasn't just any book, but "The Wild Adventures of Laura". I had been reading the many books from the series Papa gave to me on St. Nick's Day and had even told Law about the many stories that occurred in them.

"How about I start from the beginning," Law started as he thumbed his way to the beginning of the book. I smiled as I wiped away my tears that were soon drying up from my eyes and curled up more on my bed.

Law told the beginning story of the girl named Laura who lived with her parents and sisters in the middle of the woods. She learned many things in her time in the woods, such as to hunt, fish, and even helping her mom out with cooking and cleaning, although she never really liked that. Laura even helped out some strangers find their lost dog and even helped save her cousins from a bear attack.

Listening to the stories once again made me wonder, if Laura could have this life out in the middle of nowhere, just her and her family, and still help others and save the day, then why couldn't I?

"Law," I began. "Can I ask you a question?"

He paused in the middle of a funny story involving Laura's dad and sister. "What is it, Fallon?"

"Do you sometimes wish that you were in stories?" I asked.

He tilted his head. "Like people telling stories about you?"

I shook my head gently."No, not like that, but like that you wish you were a character in a book or something."

Law smirked. "Well, yeah, we've acted out playing Sora almost every single day while we've played, so of course I want to be Sora and save people against Germa 66!"

I smiled. "Yeah, sometimes I wish I was Laura."

"Why?" Law cocked his head.

Why? Did Law not listen well to the stories he told me? "She lives with her family all alone in the woods where no one can find her but she still goes off and helps people, even if it is something small." I turned my head so that way I was looking away from him. "I want a life like that."

"So you want a simple life," smirked Law as he closed the book. "To me, that sounds boring. And there's no fun in that."

I shot up from my bed, the quilt that was once wrapped snug around me was now loosened as I sat up straight. "You have no idea what you're talking about, Law!"

"Oh, yeah? So tell me, what would you do if you were Fallon in the place of Laura?" Law rose up an eyebrow.

Law's question got me thinking but when I had an answer I immediately blurted out.

"I want a two bedroom cabin, a room for the kitchen and a place for us to eat."

I thought about it some more. "I also want a place to put my piano, that way I can practice every day! I also want lots of animals, and a barn to put them in. Probably chickens, horses, cows, and maybe some sheep, but I don't know much with what you can do with sheep besides their wool. I also want to live next to a lake that way I can fish and ice skate on it when it's winter time."

I glanced over at Law who was staring at me, his eyes looking at me as if in deep thought.

"Fallon," he started. "If I had one wish, it would be that you could have that life, that cabin in the woods, the piano, the barn filled with animals, the lake..." He grabbed my hand. "However, if there is one thing I would deeply regret, it's that I wouldn't be able to live to see you enjoy that dream."

I squeezed his hand. "But what if you weren't going to die? What then?" I pleaded.

Law sighed and looked me straight in the eye. "Then I would love nothing more than to spend all that time with you in your cabin in the woods."

I smiled at the thought and leaned toward him as he entered under the blankets and hugged me, knowing deep down that my dream could never be complete without Law.

Later that night, I dreamt of us in our own cabin, just me, Law, and a bunch of animals all to ourselves.

Hello!! It's been a while and I just want to apologize for the delay in stories! Having a baby and working full time is no joke and I have been exhausted most nights to even write in here! I will try to write in here regularly but I don't want to make any promises! I also want to thank each and every one of you for reading this story! It really make my day every time I see someone vote on one of the chapters so I have to say thank you:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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