September 15, 1504

52 3 0

My eyes shot wide open as I turned towards the giant window at the end of our room, soft light peeking through the curtain. I smiled once I realized it was truly morning and only four words appeared in my head.

Today is my birthday.

I had gone through almost everyone else's birthdays and helped celebrate them and made sure they felt special. I also loved to party and every excuse made me extremely happy to do so. With a slight raise of my head, I lifted up the arm wrapped around me and placed it near Law's body. I giggled silently as I noticed his mouth was open again as snores entered and exited his mouth. Nearly eight months of sleeping together and I never got tired of waking up next to him. 

After slipping on my shoes, I exited the room and closed the door softly, trying not to wake anyone else up but especially Dellinger. His cries in the morning were very loud and woke us up on occasion so we tried our best not to wake him up at any cost. 

Tiptoeing down the stairs, I smelt something yummy cooking as I held the wooden railing on my right side. 

"Hey Tino, what'cha cooking?" I asked the cook as I walked into the kitchen, feeling the heat of the oven. Some mornings, I will go down and watch Tino cook and sometimes he even lets me help him if it's something easy. 

Tino lifted up his head as he wiped off sweat from his tan skin. He was a fairly tall man with black hair and muscles all over his body. He was about Papa's age but you wouldn't know that due to his childish behavior. He walked over and tousled my blonde hair. 

"Well, for everyone else, I'm making some cereal with yogurt and fresh fruit. But for you, I believe your Papa has a surprise for you!"

I gasped. "Wait, Papa is back already?" I asked. He had been gone for almost a week and I was nearly worried he wouldn't be back in time for my birthday, although he promised he would be.

Without a second thought, I ran from the kitchen into the suite that was Papa's room. "Fallon, wait!" cried out Tino but it was too late. After passing through the gathering room and my piano room, I finally made it to Papa's door and after making sure the door was unlocked, I headed inside.

"Papa! Guess what?" I stood still at the sight I saw. Sitting on a chair with his back facing me, Papa seemed to be stitching something up on his back, a huge gaping wound. I gasped as Papa faced me, his forehead furrowed. He did not have his glasses on.

"Fallon, what did I say about opening up my door when it's closed?" he yelled. I took a step back. 

"But-" I started but got interrupted. 

"Go! Now! And get dressed! We're leaving in 20 minutes." And with that I quickly closed the door and ran towards my room. I had never seen Papa with an injury that big and it made me worried. Who gave that to him? And what were we to do? Wasn't it my birthday? Weren't we going to celebrate? 

My thoughts soon went away as I ran into Giolla, my face lightening up as she wished me a happy birthday and told me to grab some clothes so she could quickly do my hair for my big day before Dellinger wakes up. I smiled but on the inside, I felt a little uneasy. 


Twenty minutes later, I was put into a pink knee length sleeveless lace dress and with Giolla's help, had my hair curled and a flower headband placed on the top of my head, waiting for Papa to leave his room. None of the other kids were up yet but the other executives and servants who were, wished me a happy birthday. Honestly, I loved the attention.

Soon, Papa came out of his room with a pink suit jacket and white pants, covering up his injury on his back. 

"Alright, let's go," he told me, putting his hand on my back as he quickly led me outside. The humidity stuck to me and I looked up at the sky, realizing that it was going to rain today. 

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