January 22, 1505: 1PM

36 1 0

A slight breeze tickled my face as my blonde hair flew back ever so slightly. Even though it was winter, Mades Island never seemed to get really cold. In the mornings, you might need a light jacket or sweater, but as the day went by, you would be fine taking it off. Today was no exception.

After waking up this morning, I told Law about my dream. He nodded as I explained about seeing my mom crying.

"I have dreams like those too," he added, trying to comfort me. "But they're just dreams, nothing more."

Soon after, a servant came and informed me that Papa had returned from a mission and wished to have brunch with me. This became a tradition that we had started. Every time he would arrive home after a mission, he would take me out to brunch. 

Now it had been a couple of hours since we've arrived home back at the mansion. I hadn't seen everyone at lunch due to the fact that Papa and I weren't hungry and I knew that Law was outside somewhere. I wondered around the back near the pool and I became unlucky. Should I check in the practice fields? Sometimes we would wander out there to practice our skills. However, something in my mind was telling me to check elsewhere.

I decided to explore one more time some of the hills that outlined our property. They housed many trees and provided a great place to hide all of our doings from the outside world. 

As I approached one of the hills, I noticed something familiar. I smiled as I recognized the black spotted hat.

"Law!" I called out as I ran towards him, hiking up my dress so it would be easier to run in. His slight smile that he had on soon turned into a disapproving frown once I approached him. 

"Stop yelling my name! Soon everyone will know where I'm at," he breathed out aggressively. Law never liked it when people knew where he was at on his breaks. Today was Saturday and so we didn't have any training today.

"No one is around! I checked! I think they're either inside or training in the gym."

Law shrugged as he reopened his book once again. I noticed the familiarity of the book and decided to ask him about it.

"Is it about doctor stuff again?" I asked.

His lift of his eyebrow gave me all the answers I need. "It's way more than 'doctor stuff'. This book entails some of the greatest anatomy anomalies in its time. If a doctor ever needed a bible, this is it." He lifted up the giant book to show me the cover. It read "Green's Anatomy" with a picture of a skeleton on the front.

I sat down on a patch of grass next to him. This was going to be a long discussion. Law never really talked about medical stuff with me but sometimes he feels he needs to explain to me some things I don't understand. This was one of those times. 

"Does it have stuff about skeletons in it?" I asked.

"Skeletons? It names every single bone in the body!" he exclaimed. He sounded very excited when he talked about medicine. I smiled at the thought.

Soon I laid down on the grass and outstretched my arms and legs, careful to not let my dress fly up, even though there was very little breeze today. "Then how about you name all the bones in my body!" I giggled, thinking about how happy Law would be to talk more about medicine.

I watched as his eyes widened and a smirk appeared. "You're testing my knowledge, aren't you?"

I could only laugh in return. It's not like I knew anything about the names of the bones besides the arm bone, leg bone, thigh bone, and foot bone.

Law carefully closed the heavy book and set it aside as he approached me. Looking down on me, he carefully pulled out a finger and touched my forehead. "This is the frontal bone," he moved in between my eyes, "the nasal bone," and slid his finger down until it reached just under my nose, "and the maxilla."

His finger, although gentle, seemed warm to me as he glided down to my neck and then to my arms. "The humerus is the upper arms," he traveled down to near my wrists, "and the ulna and radius make up the forearms." He then named all of the bones in my hand before making his way down to my legs.

After naming all the bones in my legs and feet (and finding out they are not just called the leg and feet bones), he lifted up his hand and hovered it over my lower stomach.

"I, don't want to touch you here," he started, "but your pelvic bones are here and are as follows..." He then proceeded to give me a detailed description of each bone in my pelvis and soon traveled upwards, listing the names of my spine and my ribs.

Once done, he returned back to his book and continued reading.

"Is that it?" I asked. I mean he did name all of the bones in my body but I thought there would be more.

"Yes, I'm going to continue reading right now, don't bother me," he stared at his book without looking up at me, his face red.

Sometimes Law could get like this, but I didn't mind. I like being in my thoughts just the same. 

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