April 8, 1504: 7:30PM

57 3 0

Besides dinner, I didn't see Law for the rest of the day. Even during our school time, he left to go study elsewhere, escaping from the rest of the other children. I felt bad for what I said to him but it hurt even more when I realized the reason why he didn't like talking about the future. Was this why he seems angry all the time? It made sense since if I knew I was going to die soon, I wouldn't be very happy either. I tried to think of something that could possibly cheer Law up but nothing came to mind. Soon after a bath, it came time to be with Papa before going to bed. 

Climbing up the stairs, I remembered how hard it was to do so back on the boat when we all got really sick. I now had an appreciation for feeling healthy and strong and always thought back on the things I couldn't do when I did feel sick. When I got up to Papa's door however, I heard voices coming through. One was from Papa, and the other, well, it sounded unfamiliar, but it came from the den den mushi so I knew that the other person wasn't really there.

I peeked through the door and saw Papa's back turned around, gripping the receiver. He laughed at something that the other person said and I turned my good ear toward the crack in the door. It can be hard sometimes to hear people from far away but Papa says that it is a good tool for me to have so I can become stronger. I don't know what he means by that exactly, but I hope he's right. It can be hard to feel strong when you have a permanent injury like I do.

Suddenly the door that I was peeking out of creaked open a little more and Papa turned around, but smiled when he saw me. "Oh Fallon!" he called out, waving me inside. "Just in time."

I carefully stepped inside his room when I realized I didn't interrupt anything as Papa immediately shut the door from where he was sitting. He sat in a chair by his bed, his legs put up so they sat in a sort of criss-cross position with one leg higher than the other, resting on the window sill as the sunset shot through the pane glass. Finally I could hear a little more clearly now.

"But regarding any devil fruits, the answer is no, well, not the type you're looking for," muttered the voice.

Papa laughed. "That's ok! You know that I only want the best for my family and not any devil fruit would do," he looked down at me. "Fallon requires the best and I don't want you to stop looking until you find one, no matter how long it takes."

Was Papa talking about giving a devil fruit to me? But why would I need one? Wasn't I good enough?

"Yes, of course, for your precious daughter," replied the voice. "And when I do find one, I will make sure I send you my carrier bird with the message so it would look discrete."

"You don't have a carrier bird," smiled Papa.

"Oh, that's right, I don't"

"Well," sighed Papa. "Thank you Vergo for your insight. You have been very helpful like always,"

"You're welcome Doffy,"


Papa placed the receiver back on the snail and then placed it on his desk. 

"Sorry about that Fallon," Papa apologized. "My conversation went a little longer than usual."

I reached up as Papa picked me up. "Who were you talking to?" I asked. He adjusted himself so I could sit comfortably on his lap.

 "No one important. Just forget I was even talking to someone." He reached to grab the big book about Mary Geoise. We were about halfway through and were probably somewhere in the history section from 500 years ago.

"Although," he started. "What this source told me, is that we will need to move out of here from Spider Miles in the next couple of months."

What? Move? From here? But Spider Miles was just starting to feel a little like home. "Why would we move, Papa?" I asked. 

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