January 25, 1504

82 3 0

I slept with Law every single night.

On the first day that I arrived at Spider Miles, that night, I couldn't go to sleep, and so I did what any six year old girl would do when she couldn't sleep: tell my dad about it. I felt now I trusted Papa a little bit more for me to tell him when I was feeling scared. However, as I attempted to remember where Papa's room was in the dark, I felt scared and found myself back in the kids' room. And right in front of Law's bed.

After lunch and my nap, Papa showed me around the building, or my new home. On the ground floor, was most of the officer's bedrooms, plus a few bathrooms. On the second floor, were all the elite officer's bedrooms, plus Giolla and Dellinger's room, the kids' room, and a couple of bathrooms. Papa also had his office there too which is also the playroom for Dellinger and I. The third floor, or the floor in which we all enter from, has the kitchen, dining room, and the big room where I had to fight Law in. Papa sleeps in something called a loft, which you had to take a special staircase to. I couldn't find it when I was wandering in the dark and I heard noises coming from some other parts of the building so I ran back to my room.

Law was still snoring when I shook him awake. When his eyes opened and he saw me, he growled and turned over. I shook him some more before he sat up and almost yelled at me to go back to my bed. I explained that I felt so good when I slept with him last night and I had no nightmares. He told me he could care less if I slept well or had nightmares. 

I asked if he had any nightmares when I slept with him and he paused for a moment. He then grumbled on and told me to use the bathroom first again before I came into his bed and I joyfully went to the bathroom and grabbed my pillow before joining him. Before everyone woke up in the morning, Law shook me just like he did the night before and I went back to my own bed, still wanting to sleep a little bit longer with his warmth.

The second night, I purposely didn't go to sleep. I waited until every single one of the kids went quiet and were snoring. I found out exactly where Papa's room was today but he left to go on a mission so he wasn't here. Once I heard everyone sound asleep, I slowly got up and walked over to Law's bed. Both of his hands hung over the edges of his bed. His snoring was still the loudest in the room, although it didn't bother me when I would sleep with him, probably because Jo snored just as loud.

I guess I was looking at him too long when he immediately sat up, breathing heavily. After he realized it was me, he calmed down and told me something. "You know, Fallon," he started. "You don't have to wake me up every time, just get in and make sure you go to the bathroom first." I smiled and dropped my pillow off on his bed and ran into the bathroom. When I got back, he was fast asleep again. I giggled as I carefully moved his arm and climbed into his warm bed. 

When Giolla woke us all up for breakfast the next morning, I realized I was back in my own bed. All day I wondered how I ended up in my own bed. Did I walk on my own and not remember it? Was last night a dream? Did I even get into Law's bed? But then later that day when I was playing on my own I realized something. Did Law carry me back to my bed? I wanted to ask him but he didn't seem like he wanted to talk to me every time I would come up to him. So, I would think yes, that's what happened last night.

The third night I did as Law asked me to do and just climbed into bed with him, after I used the bathroom. He was sprawled out over his bed like he always was so I carefully moved his pillow to one side and pushed his body. But, when I started doing that, he stopped snoring. I paused as Law blinked his eyes open. When he saw me standing over him, he just sighed and turned to the side of the bed, giving me room. I climbed in and was surprised to hear that he started snoring again. I giggled as I turned towards his warmth. I had come to look forward to the nights now. No more nightmares or bad thoughts. Just Law and I sleeping peacefully.

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin