December 25, 1504

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Usually for special days, I would get so excited the night before that I would forget to wake up. Last year on my sixth birthday, I could hardly sleep. I tried to talk to Jo but she fell asleep while I talked to her. That left me alone with my thoughts. I thought about what kind of cake my mom would bake me and what type of presents I would get. Soon, I became so immersed in my thoughts that time soon escaped me and I eventually fell asleep while the sun just started to go up. I had to be shaken up the next morning by my mom and I realized that despite all the excitement, I was super tired on my special day. This led me to have a couple of my episodes during the day.

Today was different though. Normally we would celebrate Saint Nick's Day today but I found out that not everybody celebrated this holiday. So instead of being excited the night before like I normally am, I went with Papa and Law to a meeting that lasted all night. Or so I thought.

This morning I woke up back on the ship next to Law. Everyone else was out of their beds except for us. When did I fall asleep? I don't remember getting back on the ship, never mind the end of the meeting. My last memories were watching Papa and Disco discuss their business stuff while Law kept on nudging me. He probably wanted to keep me awake but I failed at doing so.

I smiled. He must have had to carry me back all the way. I decided to wake him up.

"Happy Saint Nick's Day," I whispered in his ear as he stirred. Law was the only other person I knew who celebrated this holiday. He said that a year ago, soon after this day, his whole city was destroyed.

His hand swatted his ear as his eyes blinked open, a bleary gray peaked out. His confused look soon turned into annoyance as he grabbed the covers and brought it over his face.

"It's too early," he groaned as I sighed and stood up.

"But Papa said that we're going to an amusement park today!" I exclaimed. Papa told us that yesterday before we left for the meeting.

"Yes, but in all honesty, he's probably still sleeping too," uttered Law, who had removed the covers from his head.

Papa too? How late were we out last night?

"How about this, give me thirty minutes, and then we'll go outside. How's that sound, Fal?" Law asked me.

I settled back in next to Law. "Fine, but only thirty minutes. I'm hungry!" 

Law chuckled next to me as he slept for a little bit longer.


When we landed last night, I couldn't really see what Sabaody looked like. I knew that it was sticky on the ground but I didn't really know much else. I was unaware of all of the tall trees surrounding the island. They each had stripes and some of them had a number on them to represent the grove that you were on. 

After Law woke up for the second time, we got dressed and had a quick breakfast before heading out into the island. We were told to stay in certain groves (or in this case, just where the amusement park was) and to avoid any marines and anyone of that sort.

The whole amusement park was filled with bubbles, way more than what was on the outside. Each ride had a bubble you had to get inside, the food stands had bubbles all around it, even some of the transportation on the ground required a bubble to work. 

From the time we left the ship to when it started to become dark, Buffalo, Baby 5, Law, and I spent the time exploring the place. It was so amazing and I had never been to anything like it before! Some of the rides seemed super scary at first but once you were on it and it started to move fast, you felt great and you never wanted it to end. We even went on a circle ride where you get on at the bottom and it goes really slow until it reaches the top and you can see everything all around you. Unfortunately, it only lasts a while and you have to reach the bottom and get off.

When we arrived back on the ship, it was nearly dark and we were all exhausted from having fun.  Many of the people and crew on board were laughing and drinking. One of them turned to me and yelled: "Hey Fallon! Your dad wants to see you!" He seemed to be really drunk.

I tilted my head. I didn't see Papa at all today so I assumed he was sleeping but I had no idea where he was for most of the day. But before I could ask, a hand reached out and grabbed my shoulder. I would have jumped but then I realized that it was Papa.

"Fallon, I got something to show you," he smiled. Something to show me? What was it? Food? A toy? We saw some cool stuff today but what was cooler than that?

I said my goodbyes to the kids and Law as I trailed behind Papa's body as he led me up to his room. The smell of alcohol entered my nose as I entered through the door.

"Alright, I knew you were looking for new reading material, and that you also are used to celebrating Saint Nick's Day, is that correct?" Papa asked me, his hands behind his back. It was true, I had been complaining that I only had the same books (that weren't needed for school time) to read. But I didn't know Papa knew anything about Saint Nick's Day! Did he celebrate it too and I didn't know?

"Do you celebrate Saint Nick's Day, Papa?" I asked, curiously.

I chuckled. "No I don't. But I know you did, so I got a gift for you." He handed me a case and motioned for me to open it. It was kind of heavy but once I unlatched it, I realized that it contained a ton of books inside of it. I opened up the first one and read the front page. 

"The Wild Adventures of Laura" I read out loud. I think it was a series of books about a girl named Laura!

I smiled. This was exactly what I was looking for! "Thank you, Papa!"  I set down the set of books before hugging him.

"Now since you fell asleep last night, or should I say, early this morning, I think a better thank you would be to hear about where the deal lead us," he reprimanded.

I giggled as I took the set of books with me to his desk and sat in one of the chairs as Papa continued to explain what happened after I fell asleep. 

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now