January 21, 1504: 7:30 AM

99 3 0

I wet the bed last night.

I didn't know I did. Really. I can't even remember the last time I had done it.

So when Giolla woke all of us up for breakfast this morning, I noticed I felt wet. I looked with my eyes around the room at the other kids. They were all making their beds, even though they still looked a little tired. When I picked up my blanket and put my feet on the wooden floor next to the empty glass cup, I smelt it, the pee. I glanced over at Baby who was tucking her red and black striped blanket into the wooden bed frame. Did she notice the smell? I looked down at my now very wrinkly khaki pants. I couldn't really see the pee but I felt it was definitely wet. Could everyone see it? With the sunlight still behind the curtain, I stood up, reached over, grabbed, and pulled it open. Maybe now I could see my pee better. However, everyone didn't like that. 

Baby put her hand over her eyes and frowned. Buffalo banged his head against the wall and groaned. Law however, stared at me with his widening gray eyes, the sunlight shone on his tired face, and he spoke softly: "Fallon, it is way too early for this." His tired eyes looked down my body and onto my legs. What was on my legs? I glanced down and gasped. 

He wasn't looking at my legs.

 My wet pee could be noticed by others.

Law smirked. Both Baby and Buffalo were looking at me now. I really hoped they wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

"Giolla!!" Law called out. "Fallon wet the bed!!" I was wrong.

My face felt red as I looked down on the ground. Law was so nice to me last night, why was he being mean now? Why did he have to call Giolla? Both Buffalo and Baby were already laughing by the time she entered the room, Buffalo more than Baby.

"Hahahaha!! I can't believe you wet the bed, Fallon!!" laughed Buffalo, banging his hand on the wall.

"Oh you two, hush!" Giolla looked at Buffalo and Baby, then to me. She was wearing a blue bathrobe and her hair was twisted up in many directions. "Now Fallon, how about you get the dirty sheets off of your bed for now and have you hop into the bath," she turned her head toward Baby. "And Baby, I know she's not your size but until she has new clothes, can Fallon borrow one of your dresses just for the day?"

Baby smiled. "Of course she can! Here let me pick some out for you!" She reached into a chest at the front of her bed and pulled out a purple dress and set it out in front of me. She walked to my side of the bed where the empty glass cup was. I hope she wouldn't think too much of it.

"Oh I know why you wet the bed! You drank water during the night, didn't you?" Baby asked. I was wrong. She did notice. I lifted my head and nodded. 

Giolla walked over and took the glass. "This came from the kitchen, didn't it?" she asked, looking at me through her glasses. I glanced over at Law who was picking out clothes to wear from his chest. He glared at me.

I looked back at Giolla. "Yeah it did."

She turned her head. "Now how did you get this? Do you know where the kitchen is?" I swallowed. Law was looking at me more now, his eyes wide. I know I'm not supposed to lie but Law also told me not to tell anyone that he gave me water last night. What was so bad about telling people he did that for me? It was nice! But I knew what I needed to say.

I took a deep breath. "I found the kitchen when I was looking around the ship yesterday and I got thirsty last night and so I went and got some water," I lied.

Giolla nodded. "Oh! I didn't know you were tall enough to reach the cupboards! Well, for now on, use the bathroom before you go to bed and no more water at night! We don't want you to have another accident again!" she smiled.

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now