Ch.2 The Cliffgard Family

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Marion had time to review his memories while eating. It seemed as if the past Marion was studious enough that his father left him to his own devices. Most of the time Marion would read or play with the nanny or maids. But since his sister had been born, the nanny and maids spent most of their time with his sister and mother. He had his own personal maid and a guard retinue, but they were very static. They were better suited to doing their jobs quietly because they weren't 'idea' people who made suggestions to keep him entertained. Which was fine for Marion because they did their best to give him attention and complete tasks when he made requests... which from his memories were mostly for food and snacks.

Past Marion didn't do much but eat and read from what he could tell.

Breakfast finished and it seemed as if his parents were very concerned that Marion enjoyed the food even though they barely touched their helpings. It wasn't that they couldn't afford to eat, it was that they weren't well enough to eat a lot, so they were happy when Marion ate. Because it meant that he was happy and healthy.

In retrospect, it wasn't healthy parenting, but their heart was in the right place so it was hard to fault them too much. At least the food seemed to be on the healthier side. There wasn't a lot of deep-fried food or anything soaked in fat and salt. There were lots of tasty fruits and vegetables which pleased him.

Marion returned to his room, "Alright Cavalier Corsair. I know the stakes. Although it is troublesome, I know we have to get started somewhere. So if you are going to use me to pull off some great trick. Then I will use you too to protect what is mine, does that sound fair?"

[The Cavalier Corsair laughs at your audacity, but he respects your decisiveness.]

[The Cavalier Corsair states that this is exactly why he picked you.]

"I'm almost afraid to ask this, but what do we do first?" Marion asked.

[-Obtain First Ability-

The Cavalier Corsair determined your great potential but will now "min-max" your stats to his own preferences rather than your natural growth. This will increase your survivability for future missions and be vital for future missions.

-First ability: Dash-


-Stamina Greater than 10 (321 miles left - run/jog)

-10 yard sprints 0/1000]
"Well this is troublesome." Marion said after looking at the requirements, and then down at his protruding belly.

[Cavalier Corsair advises that he chose this skill based on your available time frame.]

[Cavalier Corsair also advises that you need to lose weight.]

"Thanks..." Marion scoffed. "This says I have a stamina stat. Do I get to see my stats page or something?"

[Cavalier Corsairs snickers. He says that would be too easy.]

[Cavalier Corsairs Grins and says that you should just start running.]

"I really have picked a troublesome guy to follow." Marion said realizing that this world was going to be far more brutal than the stories he had indulged in.

[Cavalier Corsair snickers proudly.]

"That wasn't a compliment." Marion grumbled as he went outside and began his arduous training in his feeble overweight body. All the while he underwent Corsair's constant mocking and backhanded encouragement.

Since he ran around so much that first month, he was able to explore his surroundings in a way that his past 'self' had neglected. A bonus was that his guards seemed to be enjoying the fresh air and even the exercise they got by following him around. They were even very forthcoming with information when he asked about things around him.

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