Ch.8 Novak Cliffgard

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Other than finding some skittish creatures that were similar to deer, birds, and giant rodents that glowed in a weird fantasy way there wasn't much to speak up for the rest of the journey.

Marion returned home with an acceptable number of shrikes and left them in the care of Herman and Chaunce. Their wives were pros when it came to drying and getting prepared for selling and trading. It kept the whole matter within the family, so it was easier for Marion to learn the process without too many variables. When Marion reported his adventures to his father, he was worried his dad may not let him go out again, instead he had a good laugh at Marion's episode of dangling around while fighting off bats.

Unfortunately, there was no keeping anything from his father now that Kaliban was ever present, and the appearance of the rare sword needed some explaining. So Marion started to explain why he knew he could find the Elven Spring water and who he had gotten the hint from.

"He calls himself the Cavalier Corsair, and fancies himself a trickster god." Marion explained. "To this point all he has required of me is to run and find ways to save my family with some mission. And kill a bunch of things in the forest."

Cavalier Corsair watched over Marion and kept tabs on what he exposed while Marion explained what he knew. He played it safe by only revealing what he knew from the missions he was granted. Then he explained what Corsair had told him about the future without exposing his identity as someone from another world.

Novak sighed and then started chewing on toffees kept in a crystal bowl on his desk. "Far be it from me to judge the gods and their favored ones. But this troubling, a god trying to change the future is no laughing matter." Novak actually bit through a solid toffee with a crack loud enough for Marion to wonder if he had cracked a tooth. "Kaliban, get me a drink, this is a much more serious matter than I imagined... hmm?"

He was surprised when two glass cups and a bottle were presented in front of him with a sealed rolled parchment. It was not something that Kaliban placed there and with a careful look at his son he opened the parchment.

[Cavalier Corsair is pleased with your cool head and calculations. He presents you this small token of rum in gratitude and consolidation. He reminds you to drink responsibly considering your health.]

Novak read the note out loud and shook his head. He then laughed good naturedly at the gesture. "Well well, to think a god would advise me to drink responsibly. As if there is such a thing. Kaliban, it seems we are to share this bounty, drink with me."

"I humbly decline sir, drinking on the job is not something a butler does in front of his master." Kaliban bowed.

"Then consider this a reward, you are released for the day. Please drink with me as a friend otherwise I may drink this whole thing alone." Novak dangled the bottle by the neck. "And that wouldn't be very responsible of me, besides I know how you favor rare spirits. What could be more rare a spirit than a token from a god?"

Kaliban coughed and blushed slightly, "Very well, my friend, if you insist."

Novak switched his seat from his desk to the sofa. With skill that belied his humble sickly appearance Novak produced a knife from thin air spun it around with familiar ease and uncorked the rum with a bout of showmanship he rarely had the chance to expose. He showed great care as he poured two glasses of the fragment alcohol and handed one to Kaliban.

"Cheers to the Cavalier Corsair, be it boon or bane, every relationship with a god is high risk high reward. May our days be blessedly long or sweetly short. Cheers." Novak gave a toast then he and Kaliban sampled the rum.

Novak knew that he had to drink the libation no matter what his wife said. A gift from a god was nothing to scorn. It was either a delicious drink or poison. If it was poison, there wasn't much he could do about it. But if it was delicious, or even just not poison, the god couldn't be all bad and he would support whatever his son decided.

Thankfully, the sweet rum was nothing short of the most delicious alcohol he had tasted in a long time... but that may have been in part to it being the only alcohol he had in that long time.

Seeing Kaliban's ever-present cold smile fall into a languid easy grin and his ear wiggle was all Novak needed to know that it was delicious. Now that he had imbibed the premium rum, Kaliban slid down onto the sofa next to Novak.

"Marion, whatever happens I want your safety and happiness to be at the top of the list. You have already made me proud as a father." Novak took another sip to ease his nerves. "I have never heard of this Cavalier Corsair, but if he is choosing to be benevolent to our family then I see no reason to anger him with resistance."

Novak played with his drink, swirling it around in the expensive looking crystal cup. "But act with caution, even if he means no harm, gambling with the gods is a dangerous game. As things stand, I believe it wise to act as we have, and keep word of the Cavalier Corsair close to our chests until the time is right. There are many that do not tolerate gods outside the holy seven crowns and if we play our hand too early it will only make things harder for you."

"I understand." Marion answered.

"But tell me if you need anything, I don't want you to feel like you have to shoulder the fate of our family by yourself. I am the Count of this territory and more Importantly your father. You are still a child, and not just any child you are my son. Let me shoulder your worries and grow up properly." Novak pointed his finger and glass at Marion to punctuate his point. He then knocked back the rest of the spirit. Then to further illustrate his point he set the glass down with a solid thud and a satisfied sigh. "Make friends, play pretend, go on adventures, make mistakes, explore hobbies, experience love and get heartbroken. For as long as I am your father you can rely on me."

Marion looked at his father strangely that day. Although he enjoyed the company of the man, this was the first time he had really looked at him. Not as a sickly man who needed to be protected and saved, but as someone who was really looking out for him. Marion didn't really understand it himself, but as he shared this burden with Novak he didn't feel as alone anymore. Marion loved his sister, but for the first time it felt like he wasn't carrying everyone on his shoulders anymore.

A sense of relief washed over Marion, and he couldn't place it at first. He realized that this was the first moment in any life since his first parents died that he had ever felt the weight on his shoulder lighten. Even with all that Corsair was putting on him, the only expectation Novak had was to be himself and rely on him. Even knowing his own life was hanging in the balance Novak unconditionally prioritized Marion and his happiness.

Marion couldn't even remember the last time someone had told him to rely on them without any strings attached. Well Novak had said it once or twice before, but this time it felt like it meant something now that he knew about the Cavalier Corsair. Even with the future and gods and the seven kisses, Novak truly cared about Marion.

That night was the first time that Marion cried since his first parents' funeral decades earlier. They weren't tears of happiness or grief; they were simple tears of relief. And Novak was there to rub his shoulder and comfort him with unconditional love. Even though he was sickly thin that hand was so warm and strong that Marion didn't think he would ever forget that moment.

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