Ch.3 Find a Cure for Mother

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Mastering Dash proved to be an enormous undertaking. It was a skill that increased one's speed for a short time and had a long cooldown. Marion had to get used to the boost in speed, the fatigue after it was over, and timing it for using it in quick succession.

Just to get it up to level 3 it took six months of back-to-back usage.

Thanks to the constant back-to-back running, his mother actually taught him two spells [Lightfoot] and [Accel]. Each was praised by the Cavalier Corsair. And two new mastery quests in his quest menu.

[Lightfoot] would decrease his weight to make it easier to run faster and make less noise doing it.

[Accel] wrapped his muscles in magic and caused him to run even faster.

There was a tradeoff though, in turn for mastering these two spells faster, Marion became next to useless with learning all other magics.

He became known for cursing at the heavens at random times, but he was a cheerful child. He ended up getting lost in the peace of having a family.

But during Marion's thirteenth year, his mother began coughing up blood.


[-Quest update-]

[-Find Cure for Mother-

-Inside the forest there is a holy spring of glowing water that comes from an underground world tree protecting the Cliffgard forest.

-Time Limit [1 year/ 2 days/ 36 minutes]

-Obtain Elven Holy Water.]

On the first day that Countess Irina didn't wake up Count Novak sent for every doctor he could, but the prognosis was the same between each one. Countess Irina didn't have long to live, a year at most and she might not be conscious for more than a few hours a day if she was lucky.

Marion had grown into a healthy and handsome young boy. The most notable difference other than the height he had gained were ends of his hair had grown soft blue tips since he spent so much time near the edge of the city on the cliff's side.

Currently, he sat under one of the trees and stared at the message prompt for the quest update and helplessly stared at the timer counting down the time of someone that he loved.

He wiped his nose and his eyes from nearly crying. It had been in the back of his head for a long time, but it was finally sinking in that his mother was dying.

The trauma of helplessness came back as the reality that he may lose his mother again was sinking in. Even though she was weak she was there for him and now that she was comatose it felt as if she was already half-way gone.

"You know what's wrong with her, don't you?" Marion asked once he had finally organized his thoughts and emotions.

[Cavalier Corsair smirked and advised that of course he knew. He was a god after all.]

"A trickster god." Marion spat with no small amount of venom.

[Cavalier Corsair snickered and advised that it is the best kind.]

"So what does she have?" Marion asked.

[Cavalier Corsair advises it is a leftover fiend's curse. A low-level remnant from a war long since past.]

"Can't you just fix it?" Marion asked although he already knew the answer

[Cavalier Corsair advises that you are ready to enter the forest.]

"Fine, I know how this works, just run away when I get in danger right?"

[-Side Quest-

-Enter Cliffgard Forest-

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