Ch.22 Declaration of War

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Two more weeks passed and the day that everyone had been preparing for had arrived. Although they had sent many sincere and obligatory invitations to many people it seemed that almost everyone of importance had rsvp'd to say that they were coming. Even the Imperial Family responded saying that they would come. The only person who said he couldn't make it was Irina's older brother who was her only family left. However, in response to her letter he was prematurely shutting down an Important project at great personal expense so that he could come and see her. The process and paperwork would take some time and he had to be there personally for that part of it. He would rush them and come in a week or two but that was as soon as he could make it.

Marion looked out one of the windows on the second floor while they were waiting for everyone to get filled in and there was a line of carriages of every make and model, some with horses, some with monsters or wyverns, and some propelled on their own by strange machinery.

It had been a long time since the Cliffgard family had been to a social event and even longer since they had hosted one.

So in order to not disappoint, the countess put on an affair that would be worthy of an event hosted by the imperial family. The grand hall which was almost never used for more than storage was cleaned, waxed, and decorated with enough thin red sheets to change the atmosphere of the setting. Blue magic crystals and purple gravity magic gave off streams of violet as the sheets revolved overhead.

The ends of the sheets were folded into birds and animated with magic to make them look like phoenixes were flying above the crowd with very long tails. Thanks to the near dim light there were many colorful flowers from the forest that had a chance to glow and light up the corners of the room with rainbows. Glass orb terrariums filled with fauna and magic stones, powered off their own mana, floated only a few feet above their heads also produced rainbow lights. Paper airships also floated around and sailed through the artificial mana streams built in the air by the terrariums.

Live music played and filled the air with expertly played sonnets and melody's while the air was filled with the smell of delicious local delights. And even some that Delora suggested, namely desserts she remembered the elves make that were refreshing and colorful.

The clothing of the guests was no less fantastical.

The Victorian style fashion was made even more eccentric with magic. Depending on the prided aspects of the noble they would wear magic to match. If someone's house or individually was proficient in fire mage they may wear some kind of fire or fire magic illusion on their clothing or hair. People with gem mines had gaudy jewelry that dazzled with light magic. Someone proficient in wind magic may have a cape or loose decorations that were always fluttering, or someone who lived near a body of water may do something similar with their hair or clothing to give it an underwater look.

The Cliffgard's pride was gravity magic since they utilized the airships so much, however it was common for them to wear the gaudy green color to emphasize the forest they had dominion over. And since they weren't especially favored many were looking forward to their gaudy outfits so they could gossip and mock them. It was fairly normal for the Cliffgard's to be looked down upon for their weak health in these last few years, especially since they couldn't defend themselves. Their desperation for help to cure their illnesses also didn't do them any favors and they were widely stigmatized.

Some speculated that they would try to adopt some kind of dragon iconography due to the latest rumors of a dragon taking residence in their territory to try to improve their image. And if they were too bold, they could be censured by the Imperial family which would cause their honor and reputation to fall even lower.

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