Ch.47 Traitor at the Restaurant

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[Moments ago.]

Traitor, a master of disguise, followed Marion and Prudence on an intelligence gathering mission. She had to find out if there was truly any chemistry between the two of them since Prudence was so avidly pursuing him. Any bit of information would be useful and valuable since the gods were so invested in the outcome of this game.

Everything was going about as expected until Marion threw a chair and started beating on a waitress shouting about something Umamananai or something. Then all hell broke loose. Traitor shook her head as Marion casually geared up to fight instead of trying to run away. Even Prudence wasn't fazed by the room full of guests-turned-assassins.

Both Marion and Prudence seemed to hold their own until the waitress that was serving Marion stood up and wiped her face off... like off-off. Similar to Traitor's signature talent, that waitress's face and outfit changed. She was now wearing a white dress of strange design but high quality, and a wide brimmed hat with a pointed top. The worst part was her eyes were silver with a red circled 8-pointed star instead of black pupils. She was dangerous and every instinct told Traitor to run. She looked like a Witch from the old fairytales, beautiful and dangerous.

Traitor wracked her brain, but even if the woman seemed familiar, she couldn't remember who this dangerous woman was.

"That's impossible!" the Goddess in the reflection of Traitor's silver tray gasped. "She should be sealed away. "That bastard pirate! Why would he let her out?"

"I didn't..." said a voice that caused Traitor to jump. She looked to her left, and someone had gotten right up next to her without her knowing. It was either impossible or he was incredibly powerful. He had a handsome roguish outfit on and tassels of long purple hair that covered his eyes. He smiled at Traitor and winked through the tassels of windswept hair. "Hello, love. Sorry about the surprise but this happened sooner than I expected."

"Expected!? Corsair what is going on!" Traitor's Goddess shouted at the newcomer.

"Simple... did you really think you could turn back time without consequences? Why do you think the Original Warden's didn't use that magic more often? They even let themselves get usurped." Corsair's grin revealed a type of malicious omission of information.

"Who is that woman then?" Traitor asked.

"A prisoner." Corsair said ominously, "Just like me... and them..." Corsair tilted his head toward the tray where the goddess paled before Corsair turned his attention back to the witch. "And that one, just broke free of solitary confinement. Because the wardens or I mean the sacred seven gods couldn't destroy her."

"What do you want?" the Goddess asked. "Why are you telling us this?"

"To clear my good name, of course." Corsair puffed his chest out like a proper con-man. "And to give you a warning, in case you still doubted me." Corsair looked over to see Marion blasted away by the escaped goddess witch. "If turning back the clock loosened her seal, do you really think the others are still perfectly secure? ...But it looks like things are ramping up, toodles." The room grew chaotic as the Mages and Marines burst in the windows. Corsair vanished as if he had never been there.

One of the mages landed next to Marion, he was smug and extraordinarily powerful. In response the witch snapped her fingers, and the "Assassins" became intimidating knights and more strangely dressed witches in pairs. Even the knights that Marion had incapacitated had stood back up. When the Witch "Queen" Introduced herself Traitor's blood ran cold, and she found herself rooted to the ground as chaos ensued further.

Once the lieutenant and the witch queen began their duel the structural integrity of the building came into question as their attacks shook the multi-floored structure. The shaking of the building quite literally shook her from her stupor and she analyzed the situation so she could act swiftly.

Luckily the waiter outfits that traitor was using as a disguise were black with yellow trim and brass buttons. So she only had to take off the apron around her waist and put on her mask that went over the upper part of her face and hair. She turned her eyes back to red and only had enough time to adjust the lower half of her face when she watched as a knight that had been sent flying with Marion earlier stand up. He ripped a spike out of himself and transformed so he was covered in armor, in the next second he manifested a sword from thin air and stabbed it through Marion's back.

"NOOOOO!" the goddess shouted. "You have to save him! We can't let him die, it will be the end of the world! Again!"

Traitor whipped out her sword and tried to cross the distance of the room as she dodged the combat ensuing around her. Luckily one of the Mages around Marion noticed (Even if it was too late) and began fighting with the knight. Which was undyingly impressive since it wasn't just a mage but a sky mage, and sky mages were most effective in the air. But this air-bound mage wasn't losing any ground fast until a witch joined the fray. Nobody could do much for Marion while the Lieutenant and the other two mages with him fended off the Witch Queen. It was all the four mages could do just to survive as Marion who was curling in agony at their feet.

Traitor wouldn't be able to break through the mages and would probably be seen as an enemy if she went straight for Marion, so her best course of action would be to take some heat off the mages. As she ran by the tables, she grabbed a fist full of cutlery and when she was in range, she took aim at the witch who was closest and began her assault by enchanting the silverware with light magic so when they came into contact with anything after she threw them, they would flash brightly. It wasn't strong magic, but it could create an opportunity which is what she needed.

She grabbed some powder bombs from her clothes and threw the knives with the powder bombs at the witch who was ganging up on the fourth mage defending Marion. The cutlery flashed and the powder bombs exploded when the witch tried to block them. The powder was a mixture of spices that would hurt her eyes, mouth, and nose. Because it wasn't magical in nature it would be hard for the witch to defend against it with standard spell ward and she began coughing.

The witch threw up a couple of shields while Traitor tossed a couple flashbang cutleries at the knight. Then Traitor turned the rest of her attention to the witch as she snuck behind her and plunged her own sword through her back... only that didn't stop her, and she used a concussive blast of air to throw Traitor back. With a swing of her hand, the witch counter attacked with a wave of ice that created an offensive wall of spikes.

"Obviously, it wouldn't be that easy." Traitor huffed.

The Witch turned her attention to Traitor and now the Mages had some wiggle room.

However, Marion seemed to have pulled his sword out of nowhere and was using it to stand up. He had a large blood stain on his shirt but that wasn't the most concerning thing anymore. A tone shift happened in the battlefield as Marion started to radiate with the thickest blood lust that caught the attention of several others fighting in the room.

Some strange energy swirled around him and in a flash that seemed like a temporary hallucination, an image of a giant maw with rows and rows of teeth sucking in an ocean of water entered her mind and Traitor reflexively took a step back. Marion was cooking up something, and it was hungry.

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