Ch.50 Godly Messes

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"It's been a long time since I've seen you use sword aura Seven. How do you feel?" Gurrand asked.

"Like I'm ready to rip that bitch apart for touching my family." Novak allowed the pent-up power to course through him. It burned like a fine spirit, but he knew it was only a temporary thing until they found a permanent cure.

"She's strong, do you think you can keep up?" Gurrand egged on.

"Not as strong as us, I think. But let's not waste this chance to fight together." Novak said gravely

"Agreed." Gurrand said and then the two of them turned all their trained bloodlust at the Witch Queen.

Meredith did all she could to fight them off, but it was like fighting two Arthurs... maybe even worse since there wasn't an ounce of mercy between them. She might have been able to win if she really tried or had her full power, but she wouldn't come out unscathed, nor would she be able to fight a dragon after them.

They managed to get through her defenses and slice her up. She melted into a smoke and reformed tens of feet away. She hadn't just miscalculated; she had wildly failed.

She slammed her staff into the ground and then she and her army then vanished in a flood of light.

Testosterone won over relief, and the Marines and Mages shouted in victory.


The Seven gods met in hushed silence for the first time since their return to the past.

"Is this true?" the Dutiful Swordsman asked after Crowned Conqueror and Foxy Maiden explained what happened.

"I saw her myself." The Crowned Conqueror said solemnly. "The Witch Queen is free of her prison, if even partially. She only displayed about a quarter of her power, but she swiftly fled after the dragon arrived and after the assault of two sword saints."

"This isn't good news. No wonder the original wardens didn't use the time reversal magic that last time." the Cowled Mistress said.

"Or maybe it just got to the point where enough monsters were sealed away that it was safer just to abdicate?" Foxy Maiden said.

"If that is the case, I can only fear what else we've unleashed, it's not like they eagerly gave us their account books or explained them." Golden merchant huffed.

"It was the only thing they warned, about when they were cut down." The Devious Huntress surmised.

"We should begin reconnaissance, there is no telling where or when those whos or whats were sealed." Swordsman said.

"I'll get all my best people started." Foxy said.

"I'll also get all my little birdies on the hunt." Youthful Chef said.

"This is going to cost so much money, who knows what they've already started to break." Merchant sighed.

"Or where they've tried to break in. I know I've already had a slew of priests and treasures go missing and now I may know why." Cowled Mistress said.

"Do we know if this is Corsair's way of dragging out the game?" Conqueror asked, looking at Foxy.

"He was pretty adamant about professing his innocence. He even let Marion get hurt to prove it." Foxy answered.

"He could just be looking to spectacularly self-destruct and screw us all." Mistress said with obvious venom.

"That wouldn't be very profitable for him. He needs us and this game for some reason. He is getting something out of this more than just what he is saying, that is obvious. He has probably already factored in the seals weakening and that is why he recruited the dragon in the first place." Merchant said.

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