Ch.15 Escape the Danger Noodle

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They narrowly avoided the fire and debris as the church burst in a hot fiery mess as the dragon whipped it's head back and forth sending a flurry a rock and napalm around when it was attacked by the ghouls. The huge green dragon crawled from the rising fire and molten building slamming it's claws down as it slithered out of his hole and flexed its wings in one mighty gust as it fully extended them to their full length. Luckily the dragon's attention was drawn to the ghouls who had aggressively started throwing spells at it.

"Hey hey! Is that a dragon!" Henry said pointing out the Extra Spicy danger noodle.

"Are you sure it isn't a bunny or like some kind of aggressive chipmunk species?" Marion said as the whole ship roiled over the new wave a mana presented by the dragon like a tsunami wave. It was enough to knock the ghouls away but not enough to knock the crew off. Klayus wailed in agony as he was bounced around the deck and there was plenty of cursing coming from Chaunce below deck. Enough that it could be heard without the speaking pipe.

"Marion, steady her! You should make love to the sky with the bow, not flail around like some drunken welp throwing a tantrum!" Herman shouted while trying to stabilize Klayus with a potion from Kaliban.

"You try driving when you're being chased by a Flying danger noodle!" Marion spat as the rain decided to come down in sheets as if to put out the dragon's fires like a fire sprinkler. "Great! Just great!" Then thunder flashed in the air and visibility was relegated to a soft glow from the neon forest and the blaze of the fire caused by the dragon. The giant lizard made short work of the ghouls with a few well-placed fire breaths.

"Marion, he is looking this way. Can't you go any faster!" Henry shouted.

"Does it look like I'm not going full speed!?" Marion shouted back as another wave of mana shook the boat again. "Life Lines! If you want to survive the night, strap yourself down like a whore to a wastrel who just got his inheritance!"

Thanks to the mana in the air, the atmosphere started to react even more violently with more lightning and rushing winds. Marion clipped himself to two hooks in front of the steering wheel on the ground. When he was secured, he looked back at the dragon.

The monstrous beast extended its wings which were so vast it was hard to see them from end to end. With a mighty flap of its wings, it took to the sky like a dark shadow behind the veil of rain. The wind pressure from the beast's take off was enough to shift the direction of the rain and clear up the skies for one frightening second.

"Hold on tight!" Marion grit, his teeth and pulled another lever and began an ascent towards the cloud layer.

"What the hell are you doing! You can't put this kind of strain on the engine, are you trying to blow us all up!" Chaunce shouted from the pipe.

"It's your job to make sure that doesn't happen!" Marion shouted back. "We are trying to outrun a dragon you gear nut!"

"Dragon, did you say dragon?!" Chaunce panicked. "What is going to happen to my baby boat?!"

"Henry, Unfurl the sails!" Marion ordered. "Kaliban, I need a gust, at my command! Father, don't you dare get hurt, and keep Klayus from knocking around too much. Herman, man the forward ballista I'm going to give you one shot! Klayus don't you dare die on me! That is an order!"

Marion went off the grid line on the mini map that showed the recommended path to take, but thanks it's detailed features he knew where they were even in the blinding storm. He wasn't about to let the Corsair tell him how to do everything, so he defiantly ignored the recommended route for his much better... or much stupider plan.

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