Ch.31 Pride and Prejudice

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Prudence returned to her hotel room in the Cliffgard territory that night. Many people would be going home tonight with their retinue. But since the capitol was so far away it would be better to leave in the morning. This ball seemed to include mostly local nobles with a few exceptions like the invitation for the Imperial family and a few others.

When she walked in the door of her hotel room her maids were already waiting for her and without having to say anything they immediately set to work changing her clothes. Soon her sweaty dress was removed, and her skin was lightly dabbed dry with towels. She climbed the steps into a personal bath that was prepared for her and while she soaked three of the five maids set about washing her body, face, hair, and massaging her feet.

The remaining two, packed up her dress, prepared her nightgown and stood at the ready for any reasonable or unreasonable demands.

When she was finished with her bath, she was promptly dried and dressed. Her maids then began the act of combing and drying her hair with a device that blew hot air. They also moisturized her face and properly pampered her. The whole time nobody said a word and yet Prudence's mood seemed to grow worse and worse. She realized that the men that were supposed to report to her hadn't returned and probably wouldn't.

The maids noticed her mood and with practiced effort quickened their pace without seeming suspicious. When they finished prepping her for bed they stood in a line at attention and were dismissed with a flick of Prudence's hand.

"Unfortunately, it seems you have not only underestimated your opponent, but you also didn't account for all the variables. It was an embarrassing display from start to finish." a deep male voice said after the maids left. This seemed impossible since there was nobody else in the room.

Prudence looked towards the direction of the voice. She noticed the vase on coffee table and walked around to see the side facing the sofa. The decorations on the vase had reorganized themself to show a picture of a handsome crowned man on a throne. He motioned for Prudence to sit on the sofa as he was handed a goblet out of focus of what the decorations could portray with their spare pieces and shapes.

Prudence sat down on the couch with a huff.

"Kidnapping one girl from a County could not be that hard." Prudence groused to the god on the vase.

"Maybe, but you forget that this is a competition. Two other maidens and their forces seemed to have gotten in the way." the handsome god sipped his goblet. And then explained what happened.

"Intriguing, even with the interference I would never have supposed that Marion's swordsmanship was at the level to take on proper soldiers. Even if he did get the drop on him." Prudence crossed her legs and tapped her lip with her finger.

"That is what I am saying. You underestimated both Marion and Corsair." The man on the vase spat Corsair's name with enough venom to change his color for a second. "Marion on his own, was able to bring the Empire to its knees and Corsair managed to overthrow the whole world. These are not men to take lightly. Nor should you forget that the other six maidens are not your allies." the man reprimanded.

"You are Host, the Crowned whoever, patron god of the imperial family why are you not doing anything?" Prudence asked shamelessly.

"My hands are tied. But yours are not, you had plenty of times to build rapport and seduce him, but you danced and then played with your friends. Do you realize how much is at stake here?" Host growled.

"What are you talking about? I am the imperial princess, the most beautiful girl in all the land, you saw him blush just being in my presence." she said smugly. "I have him in the palm of my hand."

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