Ch.18 First Maiden: Kissed.

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Just before time was up two individuals rushed inside the waiting room. They both wore hoods for the rain and were soaked. They were followed by Bertram who carried two chairs and brought in one more guild staffer who was unkempt from being woken up at the unnatural hour. Bertram had a sword strapped to his waist and the other one barely held himself up with a mage's staff.

The Guildmaster offered the newcomers the sofa and took a chair from Bertram and together they sat on either side of the table between the sofas to position themselves for mediation. The mage leaned on his staff and took up a post standing by the door with a yawn.

"Greeting customers, I am Guildmaster Liam, and I will be representing the Adventurer's guild and acting as the mediator in this negotiation." Liam stated when everyone was seated. On my right we have the gentleman with the provided holy elf spring water, for the sake of discretion he has requested to go by the name Blue Eyes. We have already authenticated the holy water as the genuine item before we called this meeting."

Blue eyes nodded his head for a short bow of respect.

"On this side as requested we have the quest provider John Doe and Curse Bearer. They will be refunded any money they have already paid in line with the negotiation." Bertram stated. "Please keep this meeting as civil as possible."

"My first condition is non-negotiable, since we have Curse Bearer here, they must consume all of the holy water here and the guild will take possession of the bottle after consumption." Blue Eyes stated.

The two newcomers on the sofa looked at each other and then turned back and nodded.

Curse Bearer nodded her head and spoke. "We can do that. I am assuming you wish to bargain in favors rather than money." She was no older than the young man in front of her and would negotiate any price now that she had hope of getting rid of her curse. She bore the brunt of a family curse that passed on to the girls of her house to disfigure the face and beauty until after marriageable age with heinous markings.

The only thing that could cure it was 'to make peace with the High elves and receive their sanctum's blessing.' which translated to getting a hold of some Holy Elven Spring Water. A task easier said than done since the generation after the curse began the High Elves vanished due to war and turmoil.

They were cursed, supposedly because their beauty was even greater than the elves, and they weren't very gracious about it. Now after generations they had a lead that the Count Cliffgard family were hot on the trail of one such spring in the forest. Although they had been repeatedly turned away from the Count, they placed a request in the guild while watching their young master come and go and searching for alternative means of finding some.

Their last-ditch effort was to make contact with him on his way home one of these days to try and negotiate for some. It seems he had beaten them to the punch and now held all the power in the negotiation. He was a clever one, so he most likely already knew about her, her family, and her condition. So the only thing she could do was play along as best as possible, she had some negotiating power from her family thanks to the priority of getting their hands on the holy water. A favor or two would be worth the debt if they could break this curse forever.

It was especially important now, because the Goddess Visl had chosen her in a grand quest. She was to seduce a poor chump chosen by some kind of hostile demon god.

Something about true love blah blah blah.

What she did know was that she would be able to get holy water here in Cliffgard, and as soon as she did she could use her beauty that was fabled to be even better than the High Elves to seduce him. Not only would he fall to her charms but also every other man in the kingdom. All she had to do was follow Visl's plans exactly and she would come out on top for sure.

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