Chapter 22- Confession

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Uraraka's POV:

I'm gonna do it. I'm going to confess to Deku. I don't want to do it so soon. We just lost Asui, and now our class only has 17 students. I don't care too much but I act like I do. Deku has tried to make me "feel better" and it makes me like him even more.

The training camp was moved to the fall. Bakugo was kidnapped but he was brought back. We had a match with class B but we somehow managed to win.


We had to deal with a war with the villains and it caused us to find out who the UA traitor was.

Damn Sparkly boy.

We actually won it and I learned about Deku's quirk. No wonder he and All Might always hangout with each other.

We are now in the middle of being second years and now I think it's a good time to confess. I walk up to Deku while he's at his desk and ask him if he can meet me at the park after school. He accepts.

I breathe in and exhale. I can do this. Sometimes I wish I didn't kill Asui. She would have encouraged me to just confess. I sigh.

Deku: Hey Ochaco, what did you want to tell me?

I inhale and exhale again. I can do this. I need to do this. Otherwise, everything I did last year would've been for nothing.

Uraraka: Alright, I have something to confess. Ever since last year, you've inspired me to try harder as a hero. You've encouraged me to push myself forward and you've supported me when times got rough and you never gave up. You're basically my idol. I've never been more supported by anyone more than you, well besides my parents. My point is that, I like you. More than a friend. I've had a crush on you for a while, but I never had the guts to say it. It's okay if you don't feel the same, but I wanted to get my feelings out of the way. But just know that I like you.

I'm shaking. I really don't want him to reject me.

Deku: Ochaco, I feel the same way. You're always cheering me on and always supporting me and the speech you made during the war made me fall for you. You're so supportive and my best friend. I do everything to help you because I'd hate to see you sad. My point is, I like you too.

I cheer in my head. Deku likes me back.


I gonna cry. I actually do end up tearing up.

Uraraka: No it's fine Deku, I'm just so happy! I was so worried about being rejected. Thank goodness you feel the same. I love you Izuku.
Deku: I love you too Ochaco.

He then hugs me and kisses my cheek. This is the best day of my life. Thank you Shillia, Lillian, Lesley, Nori, Yume, Mahō, Kaminari, Jirou, and Asui for dying for this. Thank you Saki, Tako, Tsuki, Dena, and Boca for being easy to eliminate. I finally have Deku to myself. Now nobody can take him from me.

This is heaven.


Ending 1- Confession

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