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"Uh- what're you doing?" Jeremiah questioned raising an eyebrow at Tatyana who sat on the bed in a yoga position "Meditation so I don't lose my shit" she opened her eyes taking a second to pause the rain sounds she was playing on her phone.

"Oh.. does that stuff actually help you" Jeremiah chuckled taking a seat at the edge of her bed "Yes Jere it helps me now what do you want from me?"

"Okay ms. feisty, what's your issue?" Jeremiah responded lying down on her bed "Steven's annoying ass tried to argue with me"

"what was it about" Jeremiah ran his fingers through his hair gazing at Tatyana "Christian, he didn't know that me and him broke up and that led to him bringing up our mess from last summer" a deep frown could be seen across Tatyana's face.

"Steven probably still has feelings for you, he's just probably in his feels about how you ditched him for Christian.." Jeremiah shrugged "I didn't ditch him for-" Tatyana cut herself off "Jeremiah Fisher, please stop talking before i drop kick you"

"Drop kick is a bit much don't you think? You've never set foot in a martial arts class or a gym Taty" Jeremiah said trying to be smart with the girl which only earned him a dirty look "Okay I was just joking, and I know you didn't choose Christian over Steven"

"Did Steven actually tell you that he has feelings for me?"

"No but it's kinda obvious" Jeremiah shrugged.

"Just come with us to the bonfire tonight to take your mind of things, why don't you put on that pretty dress you wore last week and we can go" Jeremiah recommend trying to be of comfort to her.

"But Steven's going and is belly going, I'll go if she goes" Tatyana attempted to make up an excuse "so, you and him will make up by the end of the night and no belly passed out, we'll be waiting outside in the car" Jeremiah got up from her bed making his way out.

"But Jere!"

"No buts, see you in ten!"

Tatyana sighed grabbing her backpack to pull out the dress cute little sun dress that Jeremiah had suggested, she really wasn't trying to go anywhere especially since she had already settled down, all she wanted to do was cozy up with a book but she knew Jeremiah wouldn't leave her alone until she agreed.


"Right on time, we were just about to leave you" Conrad gave her a tight lipped smile watching Tatyana walk up to the car "you should have" she groaned "you look hot" Jeremiah gave her a smug look "cut it out jere"

"Why did you invite her?" Steven whispered to Jeremiah, he quickly shushed him in response as she got in the back seat beside Steven "so you decided to come" he turned to face her "mhm.. Conrad can you turn up the music" Tatyana sighed leaning her head against the window.

Conrad nodded turning up the music a bit more making it easier for her to ignore Steven "Tatyana I'm sorry about earlier" he spoke quietly leaning in a bit so she could hear "not now, I'm trying to listen to the music"

Steven sighed leaning back into his seat deciding that he'd just leave her alone for the rest of the night, or at least he'd try. He began to realize that she was right about most things, he was confusing and he did send her mix signals, maybe she did have a reason to push him away but communication between the both of them would've helped.

As soon as the group pulled up to the beach, Tatyana was happy to see Nicole, Gigi, and Shayla by the bonfire "Let me know when you guys are leaving" she said making her way down to the group of girls.

The girls greeted her and "Hey Taty, you came!" A drunk Shayla grinned pulling the girl into a hug "I'm so glad you guys are here, I thought i was gonna have to spend the night by myself" Taty chuckled sitting down on the sand beside Nicole.

"Here have something to drink" Nicole smiled passing her a can of beer "thank you"
"so Taty, did you come with Jeremiah.." Gigi asked causing the whole group to chuckle a bit "girl we just got here and you're already asking for Jeremiah"

"You're still on him Gigi?" Tatyana scoffed raising an eyebrow at the girl "um yeah, he's hot" Gigi laughed "well he's here, if you wanna go talk to him or something"

"Thank you" Gigi stood up quickly running off.

"Also.. Christian's here" Nicole mentioned just to warn her, she was bound to run into him or see him at some point "oh good for him, who's he here with?" Tatyana questioned "If you're asking if he's here with a girl we don't know" Shayla answered the obvious question.

"No no i wasn't asking that, stop" she chuckled "so are you planning on getting back together with him or what?" Tatyana shook her head in response, she definitely wasn't in the mood to talk about Christian "um.. i'm gonna go on a walk"

She picked up her drink and her sandals making her way down to the other side of the beach, she was trying to find Conrad and Jeremiah but they were no where in sight.

Scanning the area to try find a familiar face, her eyes soon landed on of course.. her ex, his eyes soon caught hers and he sent shot her a smile slightly causing her to smile back, memories of them being together quickly surfaced and she couldn't help but feel the urge to go over there and talk to him.

Before she could even make her way over to him another girl took a seat beside him pulling him into a kiss before handing him a bottle of beer, she scoffed to herself as she turned around beginning to walk away.

She soon found a spot on the beach away from everyone, now just alone with her thoughts.

She felt horrible, Tatyana couldn't believe he could move on so fast They only ended things three weeks ago, While she was struggling to even move on from the relationship he was already in a new relationship.

"You okay?" Steven questioned catching her attention, she looked up at him nodding "yeah I'm okay" she sniffled a bit.

"Are you sure you look upset" He sat down beside her "Steven can we talk" she sighed "yes, i been wanting to apologize to you all night-"

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier It's just hard dealing with things" she cut him off "no I'm sorry, you were right i probably shouldn't have brought up us, I know you're still trying to get over your ex I know he hurt you.. I should be helping you"

"It's not your responsibility, but it would be nice if we could just get along" Tatyana looked over at him "We will, but you're obviously upset so what happened"

"I saw Christian, with another girl and i don't know it just crazy to me, how fast he can move on" she chuckled "I probably shouldn't even be talking to you about my ex"

"No it's okay, I'm here to listen.. but don't cry because I don't know what to do with crying people" he gave her a comforting smile "I won't" she chuckled.

Steven did what he could to take Tatyana's minds of things because he really cared about her so, the two sat on the beach for the time being, talking about anything and everything like old times, catching up with each other and of course giving life updates, it was weird between the two after their summer fling ended and for Tatyana it felt good to have him back.

thank you guys for 600 reads i really appreciate it<33

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