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Tatyana sat in watching the deb girls practice the special little waltz with their partners and in her opinion the dance wasn't all that but she kept quiet, although Belly caught her eye quickly, she looked confused watching everyone else prepare.

She stood up from where she sat making her way over to Isabel "Where's your partner?" Tatyana questioned as she joined hands with the girl, she still remembered the waltz from last year when she was a deb.

"Uh.. I was waiting for Conra- I mean Jeremiah but he's not here" Belly chuckled trying to brush of her slip up "What was that?" Her eyes widened "I just confused their names.."

"Right cause their names are so similar" Tatyana sarcastically spoke "You don't mix them up sometimes? Because they're brothers?"

"Not like that.. don't tell me you're hopping back to Conrad," Tatyana chuckled as she spun Isabel around "We kissed last night" Belly quietly as she faced Tatyana now "Y'all what? Isabel he has a girlfriend" Tatyana exclaimed, briefly staring over at Nicole "I know, I know.."

"I'm not encouraging these hoe activities but tell me more" Tatyana scoffed continuing to dance with the girl "I'm just following in your footsteps" Belly said, a smug look dragged across her face "What's that supposed to mean"

"You're a little fuckgirl, Taty.. maybe not anymore but last summer you were and I definitely learned from you" Tatyana shook her head at the girl "I'll step on your toes right now" She joked and belly began to list names.

"I mean, you went from my brother, To Devante.. oh and we can't forget that girl what was her name.. Delilah? then Brendan, then Christian and back to my brother"

"I hate you, we're talking about you not me" she dead panned.

"You love me" Isabel beamed before placing a chaste kiss on her cheek, and she had managed to switch topics quickly, Belly didn't wanna get into it with Tatyana because she knew her and Nicole had gotten pretty close.

"Hey! I'm just gonna steal Belly away from you quickly" Jeremiah interrupted out of nowhere causing both of them to jump a bit "What kind of formal attire is that" Tatyana furrowed her eyebrows at the lifeguard uniform.

"I should be asking you the same thing.." Jeremiah said observing the black leggings she had on a long with a basic lilac hoodie "Well don't ask me questions.."

Tatyana walked over to the entrance of the ballroom leaning against the door frame going back to watching, her eyes landed on Nicole and Shayla who were practicing together, she assumed that Shayla didn't have a date yet and Nicole was waiting for Conrad.

Tatyana pulled her phone out to scroll endlessly through Instagram until this was over, she had nothing to do for the rest of the day so she decided she would tag along with Nicole and she began to regret.

While checking her instagram she noticed a follow request from user christian.s causing her to quietly chuckle to herself before she accepted it and followed him back.

Then she found herself scrolling through his instagram posts, random posts of himself and friends along with pictures of his ugly looking chihuahua made her laugh.

The digging through her exes instagram came to a stop when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from the back, causing her to jump a little bit as she quickly shut off her phone "Steven?" she rolled her eyes turning around to face him.

"I told you to stop doing that, what are you doing up here?" She smiled giving him a quick hug "I just finished work so I thought I'd come see you"

"It's so nice to see you without that hairnet, it doesn't do you justice" Tatyana laughed as Steven placed his hand over his heart "Wow, you're calling me ugly?"

"I'm just joking, can we please go somewhere? I thought this was gonna be fun" Tatyana complained glancing back at the people in the ballroom.

"You thought watching people learn how to waltz was gonna be fun?"

"Well yeah, because I planned to get high before coming but I'm out of edibles and I lost my weed pen.." she sulked "I think you might find some hidden in the pantry back at the house" Steven tipped her off "You didn't hear that from me though"

"Hello? No why would Susannah ever hide edibles in the pantry that's such an obvious place"

"That's the point, who would ever think that there were edibles in the pantry?"

Then Tatyana looked back noticing Shayla staring at her with the dirtiest look ever as her and Nicole danced hand in hand "Why is Shayla looking at me like that?" Tatyana whispered "Probably because I told her I wouldn't go to the deb ball with her" Steven shrugged.

"Poor girl, she'll be okay though, I'm sure she'll find someone else" Tatyana said sarcastically, Steven chuckled in response to her sarcasm before grabbing onto her hand to lead downstairs "Where are we going?"

"To get something to eat, you're hungry aren't you?"

"Hell yeah, I need a McChicken right now" Tatyana cheered, tightening her grip on his hand "Who said we were going to McDonald's.."

"Me" she sternly spoke "Okay, yeah McDonald's it is" Steven nodded in compliance knowing to never mess with Tatyana when it came to her and food.

After spending most of the evening with Steven she was Back to stalking Christian's instagram, Tatyana was currently confused as she stared down at the picture of him and a girl from two months ago, not that she cared.

Attempting to click on the comments she accidentally liked the picture, "Fuck!" she panicked quickly shutting off her phone, she didn't bother to take away the like because the notification already went through and now she was embarrassed.

Her phone then vibrated against her bedside table and she picked it back up reading a message from the same boy who's post she just liked "So we stalk each other's pages now?" The message stated and right then and there she swore she could've died of embarrassment.

"It's nothing interesting on your page anyway" Tatyana replied, hoping that she could joke about it to brush it off "Lol, you coming to the party?" she decided to ignore him for now to continue watching Netflix.

Was it a good idea to go? Absolutely not, was Tatyana gonna go anyway? yes, who was she to pass up a party opportunity, that just wasn't her.

christian face reveal soon? 🤔

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