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"What the fuck Julia?" Conrad sighed as he walked into the empty living room "Conrad— you guys I'm sorry but your dad and I decided this would be the best thing to do." Julia concluded, everyone was pissed because they'd just been woken up by movers being alerted that the house was being emptied.

Tatyana scurried into the kitchen still in her skimpy tank top and silk shorts, her eyes barely open seeing as she was half awake "why am I being rushed in my sleep and why are they taking that bed?" Tatyana's voice cracked, rubbing her eyes so she could see better "Aunt Julia is moving everything out the house if you can't see."

"Well I can't see, if you didn't notice!" she yelled, she was miserable and hated being woken up out of her sleep, once her vision was less blurry she saw how everything in the house was gone "what in the fuck?" Tatyana gasped.

"Again guys this is it, you guys should get on the road to Boston," Aunt Julia said as she threw some small plastic bags into the garbage before rushing off.

The house was empty, it was like Susannah was never there, the night ended so horribly worst than anyone thought it would.

Conrad's grudge for aunt Julia wasn't going away anytime soon, now it was Jeremiah and Conrad, they were outside of the empty house arguing about their father.

Jeremiah still seemed to believe that his father was the good guy that this wasn't his fault, while Conrad was more than conflicted about things with Mr. Fisher, Jeremiah didn't know about his dad cheating on Susannah the first time she had Cancer, he had no clue as to why Conrad had so much negativity towards his dad.

"Guys, let's just go back to Boston, it's over." Tatyana said shivering, the cool breeze sifted through the air giving her goosebumps "here," Steven spoke quietly, placing his sweater over her shoulders, she rolled her eyes at him "I hope you know I'm not taking your sweater cause I'm ok with you, I'm taking it cause I'm cold." she put it on and zipped it up "I know."

At this point they all needed to accept defeat "just wait." Conrad sternly said phoning his dad one more time "great, this asshole isn't picking up his phone."

"Guys I am so sorry," Skye exited the house walking over to the steps, Conrad slipped his phone in his pocket and turned to face them "did you know about this!" his aggressive tone made everyone a bit stressed "no, I swear I didn't know anything, if I did I would've told you."

"Really? one day at the boardwalk would make you betray your mom?"

"I swear I didn't know anything, I would've warned you if I did.."

Conrad stood, his face full of worry "Conrad, what are we going to do?" Steven questioned shoving his hands in his pockets "I don't know," he responded "maybe we should really just go home," Taylor spoke up, everyone stood silent for a second "I'm sorry guys, I wish you guys could crash with me but it's a small space" Cameron spoke up.

"It's fine, look let's just go back to Boston guys, we literally can't do anything else.." Tatyana walked down the steps, jingling her car keys but the boys stood where they were "It's over guys, come on."

"Taty's right, let's just go," Taylor agreed "guys wait, we don't have to go, I have a place we can crash for the night," Jeremiah assured, the group furrowed their brows at him "where?"

"Come on just trust me."

"How are we going to get in?" Belly asked as they stood around the entrance of the country club, Jeremiah looked through his wallet before pulling out a card and pressing it against the scanner "you guys are lucky I keep cards." He chuckled but it didn't work.

Summerboy, Steven Conklin.Where stories live. Discover now