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Tatyana sighed heavily, her feet dragging against the driveway up to the garage where Conrad was going through the bins and boxes full of things from their childhood and just memories in general, "aren't you supposed to be inside setting up?" Conrad asked watching the girl approach.

"I'm here to help you," she picked up one of the bins placing it on top of a table "well then look for retro stuff," Conrad told her, picking up a light blue book out of one of the boxes "what's that?" nosily, she asked stepping beside him.

"A picture book," he began flipping through it, it had pictures of all of them as babies together up until last year, including pictures of their moms "they look so young," Conrad chuckled, admiring Susannah "I see why people say I look my mom when she was my age," Tatyana chuckled.

"Spitting image," Conrad flipped through a couple more pages till they got to a picture of all of them together, taken two years ago, just by the boardwalk "aw," Tatyana frowned a little.

"Look at how bells' looks at you," Tatyana pointed, Isabel stared up at Conrad basically adoring him "wont be getting that anymore," He closed the book placing it down on a small table in the garage "Not gonna lie I think you guys should try again." Tatyana gave her honest opinion, Jeremiah definitely wasn't for her anymore "what makes you say that?"

"Because you both weren't in the right headspace to be in a relationship when you guys broke up, you guys have been working on yourself, at least that's what I see."

"Well you should give Steven another chance then," Conrad responded "definitely not," she chuckled "plus I kissed your brother just a couple hours ago.." she said searching through boxes.

"Excuse me," Conrad side eyed the girl, shocked "it just happened." she dryly answered staring awkwardly "but when did you two happen?" Conrad questioned now intrigued "There's been tension since yesterday night, I've been trying to avoid it but I couldn't."

"I mean, good for you? Jer's my brother but he's not a relationship person.. I still think you should give Steven a second chance," Conrad advised, closing up one of the bins "I don't think I'm a relationship person either."

"Taty, he can be an idiot when it comes to girls and you know that,"

"Yeah but a break doesn't mean we broke up? I thought we were going on break to work on ourselves so we could be better together, not to be with other people," She answered "like I said Taty, just consider the fact that Steven's an airhead, I'm not defending what he did but just hear him out."

"I hear you," she said as he handed her a bin "take it inside," he instructed "what is it," Tatyana curiously asked popping it open "It's some stuff, I think it would go well for the party."

She looked through some of the items and came across one that made her face light up "Susannah's roller skates!" She chuckled, picking up the white and red roller skates "I think they're bells' size, she can wear them." Conrad nodded in agreement, letting her take the bin and take it back inside.

"You look perfect," Isabel embraced the girl quickly, the house was packed and it had only been half an hour, the music blasting from the DJ booth along with unopened and open cans of alcohol.

Tatyana had worked relentlessly to get her look right, the nude lip liner coated with gloss over the top suit her plump lips perfectly, she'd worked even harder to get her hair up into the cutest barbie ponytail she could have.

She had on flared blue jeans with red patchwork stars on the back and red tube top that matched the stars on her jeans "you look perfect," Tatyana spoke loudly so she could hear her over the music "don't flatter me, here take a shot." Isabel poured a bit of clear alcohol that she knew was strong into her cup.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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