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"Shes been drinking and smoking a bit much lately..."

Nicole shook Tatyana's limp body, she passed out cold on the bathroom after vomiting up everything she drank and ate that night, "is she ok?" Jeremiah asked as he walked into their shared bathroom seeing her Tatyana there on the floor.

"Bro she just started vomiting and then passed out, I don't know" Steven responded, Nicole shook her once more getting a groan as a response.

"She's awake" Nicole said, it was a struggle to even get her in the house without disturbing Susannah and Laurel, now all the teenagers were gathered in the bathroom trying to figure out what to do with Tatyana.

"It's way too bright in here" she complained staring up at the ceiling, attempting to sit up with an killer head ache "we should have never let you drink that much" Steven rolled his eyes, getting her up off the floor.

"I'm fine guys" she chuckled grabbing onto the bathroom counter for support and they all looked at her like she was a liar "it's ok guys I promise I'm okay, the rest of you guys can go ok" she reassured them "ok, Steven you got her?" Nicole raised a brow.


The rest of them exited the bathroom closing the door behind them "my head is spinning" she laughed allowing Steven to sit her up on the bathroom counter.

"I got your makeup wipes, and Nicole got you a change of clothes, I'll wait for you outside ok?"

"Wait can you help me change, I feel like I'll fall over on my own" she wrapped her arms around his neck, opening her legs just a bit so he could stand between them.

"Alright, stand up" he chuckled stepping back so she could get off the cold counter.

He unbutton her jeans for her unzipping them as well "you gotta help me out here" he continued pulling the jeans down her legs "lift your feet" he instructed and she did exactly that allowing him to pull off her pants completely "look at what these jeans hide"

Tatyana laughed at her own comments "seriously, look" she grinned and his eyes trailed downwards then a big smile appeared across his face "I mean.." he giggled "what? you wanna touch it too" she laughed louder than before "you gotta be quiet" he waved his hand down indicating that she should quiet down.

Tatyana being as intoxicated as she was grabbed his hand and led it to her ass "see, the jeans just don't do me justice" she gave him a tight lipped smile "ok, you're drunk, stop fooling around and you need to get rest" he removed his hands from where she put them.

"But I don't want to go to bed, come," she pulled him in placing her lips on top of his "no Taty, it's time to go rest" he said into the kiss "and I said I don't want to, come here"

"You're drunk Tatyana, we're not doing anything" Steven mumbled "so what? I give you full permission" she shrugged "right, but you're drunk I just said that" he looked at her with a 'duh' expression "look, you're even undressing me right now who cares if I'm drunk I want too" she joked "Ha, you're hilarious Taty, I'm undressing you cause you asked me too"

"Exactly! I asked you too.. so where's the harm in me asking for a couple other things" she looked up at the ceiling as if she was thinking "I would love too but you're not really in a state to be making those decisions"

"That's where you're wrong I can make decisions, I can say no and I can say yes, plus we're together so I don't see any harm in this"

Steven looked down at her as if she was convincing him, but he still wouldn't go through with it "please, you obviously want too and I asked first"

"Tatyana.." Steven shook his head at her "not tonight ok?" he placed a kiss on her cheek passing her the shorts Nicole brought her to change into "fine.." she frowned, still hugging him.

"Come let me help you wipe off your makeup" Steven placed his hand under her chin lifting her head and wiping, being careful not to put the wipe in her eye once again "you learned" she smiled, steven nodded and gave her a smile back, he was tired but still wanted to make sure she was taken care of.

"Wait- what happened to your face" she said softly shifting his head to the side so she go get a proper look at the bruise on his cheekbone "nothing don't worry about it, come let's get you in bed" Steven told her, grabbing onto her hand and leading her into the room.

"No no how did this happen?" Tatyana asked worriedly "don't even worry about it" Steven reassured her as she sat down on the bed in the guest room "how is she?" Nicole asked standing at the door frame "she's ok—"

"Nicole what happened to his face why does he have this big bruise on his face?" Tatyana sat up in bed still examining the bruise "Oh come on he beat the fuck out of Christian trust me he's ok" Nicole giggled quietly, being mindful that people were asleep "what!" Tatyana's mouth dropped open.

"Nicole why did you tell her.." Steven ran his hands over his face in annoyance "I'm too tired and drunk for this.. Steven, please put ice on that goodnight" she shook her head turning off the lamp but Steven turned it right back on.

Nicole had a sour look on her face as she then walked into the bathroom stating that she needed to pee beforehand "Taty he got what he deserved that's that" he shrugged it off "he's gonna find someway to make it my fault I know he is" she looked at him.

"I just wanted to make you feel safe, you know you're safe with me right?"

"Mhm" she nodded, pulling him in, placing her lips a top of his and the taste of alcohol hit each of their tongues, their lips moving together perfectly.

Tatyana wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer than before almost melting at his touch, the kiss was so gentle but yet full of emotion and right there she did feel safe with him, he calmed her mind and her thoughts and most of the worries she had.

Some would say they were two teens moving way too fast with each other but none of them cared at all.

The floral scent coming from Tatyana made his head spin as Tatyana ran her fingers through his hair messing it up a bit.

Then, she pulled away for a second a smirk present on her face "close the door, nicole can sleep on the couch or something" she spoke softly glancing over to the door "not tonight ok?" he placed one last kiss on her lips "ok fine, goodnight" she whispered.

Summerboy, Steven Conklin.Where stories live. Discover now